Archive: Campus Blogs

Browse Campus Blogs posts by date or select a blog:



AlumniShantay R. Davies-Balch: Championing Change for Black Maternal Health and Community Wellness
AlumniEmpowering Future Ministry Leaders: Chelsea Weber’s Journey at Fresno Pacific University


AlumniFrom Film Enthusiast to Health Care Marketer: Hailey Millhollen’s Journey at Fresno Pacific University
Campus BlogsSay “hello” to Howard Loewen
Campus BlogsCheck out this #FlashbackFriday photo!
Educated StateGreece in the Shoulder Season


Educated StateWhere We’ve Gone and What We’ve Done–FPU Alumni and Friends Tours, 2017-2024
Campus BlogsLooking Back, Looking Forward: A History of Fresno Pacific University 
Campus BlogsThree Students Tell Their FPU Stories 
Campus BlogsStanding in the Shade of Trees We Did Not Plant
AlumniBrandon Moreno’s Transformation at Fresno Pacific University: From Student to Ministry Leader



AlumniA Call to Finish: How FPU’s Support Shaped Mario Gonzalez’s Path to Advocacy


AlumniWalking Through History: FPU Alumni Explore the World on Guided Tours


Campus BlogsStepping back to the early 1960s


Campus BlogsAs we continue celebrating 80 years
AlumniFor Cecil Hale, leadership is all about holding out a helping hand


Campus BlogsCheers to 80 years of Faith, Wisdom and Service!


Educated StateBarcelona to Milan and Florence, Alumni and Friends Tour, 2024


AlumniTransforming Lives through Genuine Love and Faith


AlumniChanging the System: Gamino lives out her heart for mission every day


AlumniPhil and Rici Skei – Guiding a Life of Purpose and Service


AlumniA Walk Around Campus, A Love for a Lifetime
AlumniQ&A with the New Director of Alumni Development, Julease Graham



Advent DevotionsDay 23 – Joy Is a Person  – 2023
Advent DevotionsDay 22 – Mary’s Magnificat – 2023
Advent DevotionsDay 21 – God Lived Among Us  – 2023
Advent DevotionsDay 20 – The Day After the Longest Night – 2023
Advent DevotionsDay 19 – Do You Wonder What God Is Like? – 2023
Advent DevotionsDay 18 – Here Comes the Son – 2023
Advent DevotionsDay 17 – The Mountains Are Always Present – 2023
Advent DevotionsDay 16 – Picking Favorites – 2023
Advent DevotionsDay 15 – Comfort for Victims of Injustice – 2023
Advent DevotionsDay 14 – Reaping With Joy – 2023
Advent DevotionsDay 13 – Peaceful Straining? – 2023
Advent DevotionsDay 12 – Who Do You Know? – 2023
Advent DevotionsDay 11 – Responding to God’s Intention – 2023
Advent DevotionsDay 10 – The Light of Life – 2023
Advent DevotionsDay 9 – The Promise – 2023
Advent DevotionsDay 8 – Get Ready! God Is on the Move! – 2023
Advent DevotionsDay 7 – A Heart of Flesh – 2023
Advent DevotionsDay 6 – You Call Me… Holy? – 2023
Advent DevotionsDay 5 – Better Than Santa – 2023
Advent DevotionsDay 4 – Rejoicing in God’s Majesty – 2023
Advent DevotionsDay 3 – Not Fame, Room for the Lame – 2023
Advent DevotionsDay 2 – Wonderful Counselor – 2023
Advent DevotionsDay 1 – Pining, Waiting or Watching – 2023


Advent DevotionsFresno Pacific University 2023 Advent Devotional


AlumniA Big Vision = A Big Impact


AlumniShining a Light in the Dark
AlumniTwo Lives – One Goal


Educated StateSummer 2022 Alumni Tour #2, France and Catching Up after COVID
Educated StateSummer 2022 Alumni Tour #1, Central Europe and the Perils of Travel just after COVID
Educated StateSummer 2023 Alumni and Friends Tour—Landscapes Scotland and Ireland
AlumniMaking Space for Native Languages in Newcomer Classrooms


AlumniA FUNdamental Success Story


AlumniTechnical Expertise + Educational Vision = Continuing Education


AlumniServing God on the Court or in the Field


AlumniA Revised American Dream


AlumniA mission forged at FPU guides a life of service


AlumniSunbird Valentines: Teammates—and Sunbirds—for life



AlumniFinding the Right Fit
AlumniQ & A with the President


AlumniFrom Mentee to Mentor


AlumniA Son of FPU


Alumni“How then shall I live?”


AlumniA Prayer for the New School Year
AlumniPassion and Psychology + Church and Community


AlumniA gift and calling to care for children
Educated StateHistory Graduates
AlumniA Journey of Faith and Life


AlumniDream Big


College HourAsh Wednesday Service 3.10.22
College HourStory of Transformation – Student Testimony 2/23/22
College HourStudent Led Chapel – Featuring Pacific Brass and Student Testimony
College HourI Believe – “In the Holy Spirit.”


AlumniA little bit of everything leads to a life of service
AlumniWhen God talks . . . listen


College HourI Believe – “He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.”
College HourI Believe – “He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.”
College HourIn Honor of Black History Month: Let’s Celebrate Hair Love
College HourI Believe – “in Jesus Christ, his only son, our Lord.”


AlumniSunbird Valentines: Opening their hearts and spreading their love
College HourAll Worship with OSF
College Hour“Beyond the Dream”: Honoring the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
College HourI Believe – “in God the Father, creator of heaven and earth.”
College HourNew Year, New Me?
College Hour“I Believe”: An Introduction to the Apostles Creed
AlumniGod’s Blessings in Cryptocurrency



College HourFaith and Vocation Panel
AlumniBuilding Congo—One Well at a Time


College HourStudent Led Chapel – Featuring Pacific Brass and Student Testimony
College Hour2021 Art Competition
AlumniTwo professional paths lead to the same place


College HourChristians and Creation Care – Calvin DeWitt
College HourStories of Transformation – Geraud Brumfield
College HourPray Together: Guide for Week 10
College HourBeliever’s Church Lectureship – “Changing the way the Church Views Racism” with Drew Hart
College HourPray Together: Guide for Week 9
College HourPray Together: Guide for Week 8
College HourPray Together: Guide for Week 7


AlumniA Connection about More than Roots
College HourPray Together: Guide for Week 6
College HourPray Together: Guide for Week 5
College HourStories of Transformation – Patty Salinas (Wednesday, September 1)
College HourStudent Led Chapel – Sunbird Panel (Wednesday, September 8)
College HourPray Together: Guide for Week 4
College HourPray Together: Guide for Week 2


AlumniMath+Family=Equals Happiness


AlumniPole Vaulting to Records


AlumniBringing together kids, parents and Christ with skateboarding
Educated StateReconsidering the Puritans


AlumniGetting fulfillment helping people do what they hate
College Hour2021 Multicultural Celebration!
AlumniOut of Her Bubble and into Service


College HourChapel: April 28, 2021 – Reflecting on the Journey (Acts 28:1-6, 30)
College HourChirp: Friday, April 23 – Restoring our Campus (An Earth Day Celebration)
College HourWednesday, April 14: Praise Break with the Pacific Bronze
College HourChapel: Wednesday, April 14, 2021 – “Encountering Storms” (Acts 27)
College HourChapel: Wednesday, April 7, 2021 – “Continuing the Narrative” (Acts 26)
College HourPray Together: Guide for Week 13


College HourChapel: Wednesday, March 31, 2021 – The Seven Last Words
College HourChirp: Friday, March 26, 2021 – Women in Anime (Convos with MACE)
AlumniUp close and—sometimes very—personal
College HourPray Together: Guide for Week 12
College HourChapel: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 – “Signs of Hope” (Acts 24:21)
College HourChirp: Friday, March 19, 2021 – “The Intercultural Church” with Dr. Safwat Marzouk
College HourChirp: Wednesday, March 17, 2021 – Women in Leadership
College HourPray Together: Guide for Week 11
College HourChapel: Wednesday, March 17, 2021 – “Be Encouraged” (Acts 23:11)
College HourPray Together: Guide for Week 10
College HourWednesday, March 3, 2021: “Renewed in Christ” (Acts 22)
College HourPray Together: Guide for Week 8
College HourChirp: Friday, February 26, 2021: Empowering Black Women


AlumniPaying forward the hope and support she received
College HourChapel: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 – “Are You Committed?” (Acts 21:7-16)
College HourPray Together: Guide for Week 7
College HourChapel: Wednesday, February 17, 2021 – “You Are Invited” (Acts 20)
College HourChapel: Wednesday, February 10, 2021 – “God is Still at Work” (Acts 19)
College HourPray Together: Guide for Week Five
College HourChapel: Wednesday, February 3, 2021 – “A New Kind of Couple” (Acts 18:24-26)
College HourPray Together: Guide for Week Four


College HourChirp: Friday, January 29, 2021 – Christians & the Pandemic
College HourChapel: Wednesday, January 27 – “Made in the Image of God” (Acts 17:1-9; 22-31)
AlumniSunbird Valentines: Trent & Stephanie
College HourChapel: Wednesday, January 20, 2021 – “What Does Freedom Look Like?” (Acts 16:16-28)
Educated StateMeditational Reading from the History of the Church
College HourChapel: Wednesday, January 13 -“Experiencing True Community” (Acts 15:5-11)
AlumniBringing people together through music and worship



College HourChirp: Friday, December 4, 2020 – “Where Do We Go From Here?” Responding to the 2020 Election
College HourChapel: Wednesday, December 2 – “The Tension of Living Together for Justice” (Acts 14:8-18)


AlumniFrom a life of crime to community service
College HourChapel: Wednesday, November 25 – “A Time of Thriving” (Acts 13)
College HourChirp: Friday, November 20 – Multicultural Friendsgiving with the MACE Team
College HourChapel: Wednesday, November 18 – “Freedom Through Prayer & Community” (Acts 12:5)
College HourChapel: November 11, 2020 – “Live Faithfully” (Acts 11:1-4)
College Hour2020 Interfaith Conference with Neighborly Faith
College HourCelebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
Educated State“Invention: The Art of the Liberal Arts”
College HourChapel: Wednesday, November 4, 2020 – “Space at the Table” (Acts 10:34-35, 44-48)


AlumniA ticket to Broadway and beyond
College HourChirp: Friday, October 30 – Faith & Politics with Justin Giboney of the And Campaign
College HourChapel: Wednesday, October 28, 2020 – “The Narrative of Transformation” (Acts 9)
College HourChapel: Wednesday, October 21 – “Choosing Significance” (Acts 8:1-3)
College HourChapel: Wednesday, October 14 – “Go Outside of Jerusalem” (Acts 7)
College HourChirp: Friday, October 9 – Brown Church Theology with Dr. Robert Chao Romero
College HourChapel: Wednesday, October 7, 2020 – “Be the Solution” (Acts 6:1-7)


College HourChapel: September 30, 2020 – “Character Counts” (Acts 5:1-11)
College HourChirp: September 25, 2020 – Celebrating Latinx Heritage Month
AlumniBringing hands-on learning to STEM students
College HourChapel: September 23, 2020 – “No One Else” (Acts 4:12)
College HourChapel: September 16, 2020 – “I See You” (Acts 3:1-10)
College HourChirp: “Left, Right & Wrong” with Dr. John Inazu
College HourChapel: September 9, 2020 – “The Wonders of God” (Acts 2:11)
College HourChapel: September 2, 2020 – “Be Heaven” (Acts 1:6-14)


Educated StateCan’t or Cant
College HourChirp: Friday, August 28, 2020 – Ask The President
AlumniBringing light through education and ministry 🌞
College HourChapel: August 26, 2020 – An Introduction to the Book of Acts (Luke 6:17-23)
College Hour“How to College Hour”: A Guide for Fall 2020


AlumniSeeing justice in a new way, right in our own backyard
AlumniDispensing Answers as Part of Healing


AlumniMath for Real Life
Educated StateWhy do we consult scholarship?
AlumniFPU Alumnus Documentary Filmmaker


AlumniA paralyzing accident leads to an incredible life


AlumniComing to belief at FPU and carrying it across the globe


AlumniMission makes the heart grow fonder


Educated StateExpectations for Education
Educated StatePopular Histories for Understanding and Teaching
AlumniAfter 44 years, Lupe Solis still paying it forward



AlumniThe Surprising Power of Belonging
Educated StateReflections on Italy
AlumniLearning and serving around the world


AlumniFrom an “Unjust” Imprisonment to a Fight for Justice
College HourYou were made for this, by Jeannie Allen
AlumniAn Advocate for the Maltreated


AlumniA Second Chance: Overcoming Addiction to Serve Others
AlumniA New Way to Follow Jesus
Study AbroadDay 36: Cu Chi Tunnels and Cao Dai Temple
Study AbroadDay 34: My Son
Study AbroadDay 33: My Lai
Study AbroadDay 32-34: Hoi An


Study AbroadDay 28-29: Ninh Binh
Study AbroadDay 26-27: HaLong Bay
Study AbroadDay 21: to Vietnam!
Study AbroadDay 16-17 – Nanjing
Study AbroadDay 13-14: Xia He
Educated StateExperiencing Rome
Study AbroadDay 13: Up to the Mountains in XiaHe
Study AbroadDay 10: Biking the Ancient Xian City Wall
Study AbroadDay 8: The Old City of Langzhong
AlumniThree C’s to Help Youth
Study AbroadDay 6: A Day in Chengdu
Study AbroadDay 5: Pandas!
Study AbroadDay 4: Summer Palace and Train to Chengdu
Study AbroadDay 3: The Great Wall!
Study AbroadDay 2: Beijing!


Study Abroad1st day in China!
Study AbroadFPU China and Vietnam 2019!
Educated StateOn to Siena and Assisi
AlumniAn Adventurous Life of Service


AlumniService + Business = Impact
Educated StateFlorence, Italy!
Educated StateThinking Historically


Educated StateStill Learning about Teaching
AlumniFrom Fresno Soccer to Hollywood Acting


Educated StateOn Our Way to Italy–Venice
College HourWe Remember Dr. King
AlumniWriter Sara Beth Williams has more than one story to tell


Educated StateDilbert Explains PhDs
AlumniA message of hope



College HourGood news at Christmas
Educated StateI like history, now…
College HourJesus is the Reason for the Season
College HourIts the Holy Advent!
College HourThe Office of Spiritual formation and diversity welcomes you!
College HourA Manna Moment on The Advent of Christ
AlumniBringing joy, peace and love to people in need


College HourThe Difficulty of Kingdom Diversity:Have you ever heard of micro aggressions?
College HourDiversity in Education: A Commencement Address at The Oregon Snake River Prison
College HourIs God calling you?
College HourDon’t be ashamed of the gospel: Two secrets to next level discipleship.
College HourUnderstanding Kingdom Diversity in The Office of Spiritual Formation and Diversity
College HourHappy Thanksgiving Family
College HourA Diverse University For A Diverse World
College HourUnderstanding Kingdom Diversity – What I wish you knew
College HourHappy Birthday Dr. Billy Graham: Remembering God’s Man
AlumniFrom Detention Camp to D.C.


College HourRacism is the enemy of Diversity…
College HourThe Difficulty of Diversity in the Academy
College HourTalking about Diversity @ FPU with Alumni
College Hour10 Kingdom Diversity Initiatives with The Office of Spiritual formation
College HourCurricular Diversity Testimony
College HourDiversity, Faith and Integration Staff Testimony @ FPU
College HourDiversity, Faith and Integration
College HourTalking about Diversity and Trigger Words in the Academy
College HourA Family Conversation on Faith and Integration
College HourDiversity and the Kingdom with Dr. Howard
College HourLove Lessons by Dr. Charles Stanley
College HourA window to look thru podcast
AlumniFight for Equal Pay
Educated StatePolitical Wisdom–Aristotle and Politics Today
Educated StateBeauty and Travel


College HourDiversity Matters @ FPU!
AlumniEducating Students Near and Far


College HourThe Evidence
College HourCalled to Follow Jesus
AlumniMaking Sense of Life Through Art


College HourFasting Friday’s: Intercession For Our University!
AlumniA World-Cup experience for Valley youth
College HourNorth Fresno Soul Care, Singing along with Pastor
College HourVisalia Spirit Care and the Chapel on Wheels
College HourSpiritual formation @ The Regional Centers
College HourSpiritual Formation and Kingdom Diversity @FPU
College HourSpiritual Formation and Faith Integration @FPU
College HourHaving a very hard conversation…
College HourConfronting our past history…
College HourThe Push For Peace A CBS Interview
College HourWe need to talk about an injustice | Bryan Stevenson
College HourJustice Does Matter


AlumniBelieving the best while seeing the worst


College HourA Local Pastor and A Regional University = A New Beginnings Church …
College HourStudents engaging in spiritual formation through worship
College HourA New Kingdom Way To Love And Serve
College HourGood news from the Mission Field: FPU alumni making a difference in the Kingdom.
Educated StateThe Great Divorce
College HourGod will give you strength; A sermon by H.B Charles.
College HourThe Kingdom Agenda Bible Study With Dr. Tony Evans
College HourGather. Grow. Go:FPU-Grads usher us into the presence of the Lord through worship.
College HourKingdom-Diversity @ Fresno Pacific University
College HourHow to defeat the giants in your Life: A sermon preached @ Immanuel High School
College HourStimulating Spiritual Formation With High School Students of the Valley
College HourEngaging the Cultures and Serving The Cities @ Immanuel High School
AlumniServing in a complex world


College HourTogether for the Gospel: Sermon on Racism in the Church
AlumniFour generations, four school names—one sense of community
College HourKingdom Diversity: A Biblical Sermon on Race With Dr. Tony Evans


College HourGood Friday Sermon By University Pastor
College HourWhat Happened when Jesus Died
College HourThe Ministry of Friendship in Difficult Times
College HourKingdom ministry with the Local Church and The University
College HourA Biblical Discussion on Racism in The World
College HourWhen Jesus Died; A Sermon Preached by the University Pastor.
College HourMissionary Reflections From Spring Break
College HourUniversity Prayer Request
AlumniLife After Lust


College HourWhat does the Black Panther and the Kingdom of God have in Common?
College HourWhat God can do with a willing Vessel!
College HourI Choose Hope!
College Hour“How to Encourage Yourself in the Lord” 1 Sam. 30: 1-24
Educated StateThe Joy of Reading and Travel
College HourHave you ever wanted to build a team?
College HourLeadership Ideas: The 360 Leader by T.D Jakes
AlumniGod Gives Couple a Second Chance


Educated StateGetting Ready for the 2018 Lewis, Tolkien and Christian Authors Tour
AlumniSeafood, PG&E and FPU
College HourHow You Can Pray For FPU In The New Year
College HourAn Image of Mentoring that Matters for the Kingdom



College HourPut God First!
College HourOn the Journey Looking for Jesus Matt 2:1-12
College HourA Leader Worth Serving…
AlumniA Love for Water Polo, A Dream for Olympic Gold
Educated StateC.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and Christian Writers of England Tour, June 2018


AlumniReinventing the Classroom


Educated StateThe Reformation at 500 Years
Educated StateCore Values and Current Business Scandals
AlumniQ & A with President and Mrs. Jones


College HourRestorative Justice: Rightly Remembering
College HourSpotlight and Pivot Questions: Doug Noll
AlumniSunbird Saturday!
College HourBuilding a culture of peace in a hostile world


Educated StateThe Deeper Dimension of Business Ethics
College HourWho is my University Pastor?
AlumniThe Path to Peace


College HourDon’t marry a non-worshipper…
College HourWhere Does Revival Start?
Educated StateThe Grandeur and Tragedy of the Reformation
College HourSurprising Ways to Help College Students Thrive, By Michael Lee Stallard
College HourHenry Martyn: How God Called a Brainy Student to be a Missionary
College HourFirst stop on The Roman Road to Salvation…
College Hour#Mission Life with FPU in Cape Town South Africa 2017
College HourDay 7 on the Mission field with Tired Missionaries
College HourDr. Wilson Teaching about Spiritual Warfare in Cape Town South Africa
College HourRestorative Justice in the Holy Land
College HourSpotlight and Pivot Questions: Alicia Herrick
AlumniMercies are new every morning
College HourOffice of Spiritual formation Cape Town 2017 Team Reflections
Educated StateReflections on our Tour of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation
Educated StateSwitzerland among the Reformed and the Anabaptists


Educated StateBeauty and Unity in the Reformation
Educated StateLuther’s Table Talk and Quotes, and Bach too
Educated StateBerlin and Wittenberg–Overwhelming!
Educated State500th Anniverary Reformation Tour 2017–Our Beginning
College HourPreaching @ The New beginnings Church
AlumniAlumna finds purpose in family tragedy
Study AbroadDay Fifteen – A Meeting with the PLO
Study AbroadDay Fourteen – A Visit to a Jewish Settlement in the West Bank


Study AbroadDay Thirteen – A Trip to Masada and the Dead Sea
Study AbroadDay Twelve – Hebron and Christian Peacemaker Teams
Study AbroadDay Ten, Part II – Yad Vashem and Israeli human rights
Study AbroadDay Ten, Part I – Breaking the Silence
Study AbroadDay Nine – A Refugee Camp
Study AbroadDay Eight – Demolished homes/shattered lives on the West Bank
Study AbroadDay Seven – Interfaith Encounter
Study AbroadDay Six – Nation building and national identify formation
Study AbroadDay Five – A Reason for Being
Study AbroadDay Four – A Rabbi and a Rebel
Study AbroadDay Three – An Israeli, pro-Palestinian advocacy group
Study AbroadFirst Day – First Impressions
Study AbroadPre-trip thoughts
College HourDr. Barry Black Senate Chaplain of the U.S Senate
College HourNational Day of Prayer in North America
AlumniSnail mail wins! Round robin letters circulate for 50 years
College HourInternational Worship @ FPU


College HourWho is the University Pastor of Fresno Pacific University?
College Hour“Give me the Mountain” A Devotional for My Brothers!
College HourSpotlight and Pivot Questions: Ray Nickson
College HourThe Three Foundational Words of the Center for Peacemaking and Conflict Studies
Educated StateJeanne d’Albret and Gracious Leadership
College HourRemembering the Seven last Sayings of the Christ
College HourLooking Towards Good Friday
AlumniMore than one way to be a minister


College HourWhat a beautiful Name It Is!
College HourWhy I give Him Praise!
College HourWhy Missions and Why Cape Town?
College HourAn Extreme Make Over
College HourFPU Pastor Preaching at William Jessup University
College HourFPU in Africa: Missionary Interview with Rwandan Ministers
College HourHearing the Call from Jesus
AlumniA big impact from a small ad


College HourThe FPU Pastor Doctoral Dissertation Defense: The Reality and Remedy of Spiritual Warfare
College HourFPU Pastor Preaching @ Point Loma University: The Gospel on the Move in the kingdom!
College HourWorship @ the Cross
College HourDeveloping and Training Effective Church Leaders: A Book Review.
AlumniAn FPU love story
College HourHow 2 keep from losing your mind
College HourEchoes from Exodus… A Plague of Darkness In the Battle of the God’s.
College HourDevotional Thought from The Book of Exodus


College HourDr. Mark Yarhouse Teaches on CBN News
College HourThe Joy of Christian Support and Service Phil 4:10-13
College HourSpiritual warfare in the early Church
College Hour“Spiritual Warfare in Ministry”
College HourHow to Fight the Accuser in 3 Steps By Linda Dillow, Dr. Juli Slattery
Educated StateThe 500th Anniversary of the Reformation
College HourCelebrating A New Beginning With Bible Study
College HourWhat We Believe @ FPU
College HourGoing to the waters of Baptism in Spiritual Formation
College HourPowerful Principles of Prayer-#Stayingfocused
College HourProvost Convocation Prayer for 2017
AlumniFeeding the Need for Food Awareness



AlumniA city leader lives out his faith
College HourMerry Christmas: All the Praise Belongs to God
College HourJesus is the Reason for the Season: The Great Advent.


College HourKeep your hands off of Gods Stuff
College HourHow To Discover God’s Perfect Will for You


College HourAn Overview for Overcomers
College HourThe Need for church conduct
College HourA Servant That God Could Use
College HourMaking the kingdom a reality
College HourSermon Jamz: Where Preaching Meets Hip-Hop and Discusses the Theology of Family.
College HourSermon Jamz: Where Urban Preaching and Hip-Hop Collide Visually to Shape Culture.
College HourThe Miracle of Joppa; the ingredients for revival and the spread of the gospel
College Hour“The Benefits of Putting God First”
College HourWorship In Spirit and In truth.
College HourRemembering the Great Commission
AlumniPakisa and Pascal: Congolese Brothers in Christ


College HourStudent Prayers at the Cross
College HourThe Demands of Discipleship
College HourRequirements of a Godly Influence
College HourA New Breed of Workplace Believers
College HourUniversity Prayers at The Cross
Educated StateSabbatical
AlumniRodrigo in Rio


College HourUniversity Convocation Prayer for 2016
College HourGetting a Glimpse of Jesus in Orientation
College HourCommissioning service prayer
College HourThe Secret to Sacrifice and Service
College Hour4 Ways to Set Boundaries in Ministry
AlumniSuper spiritual or totally crazy?
Study AbroadKarma


Study AbroadKolkata Adventures
College HourFPU Community Prayers for our Country
AlumniA scary start to a great career
Study AbroadMega Church Experience in Guatemala


Study AbroadA Whole New World
College HourBilly Graham Still Preaches The Cross
College HourMinistry to the Masses Still Matters in Orlando
College HourOn Mission Poem by Amena Brown
Study AbroadWe made it!
College HourIntercession for Victims in Florida
Study Abroad6/2
College HourOperation Cape town Reflections
College HourPrayer and how it is used in Spiritual formation
College HourFive Signs of Life Transformation through Spiritual formation
AlumniImagine a City Without Orphans


Study AbroadAt Qumran!
Study AbroadWalking Where Jesus Walked
Study AbroadFriday 5/27
Study AbroadDay 5 5/21
Study AbroadThe Land Between
Study AbroadStudy Abroad Israel 2016 Day 2
Study AbroadHello world!
Study AbroadIndia Here We Come!
Study AbroadFPU Agean 2016
AlumniEncouraging the Unconventional


College HourDo you really love your nieghbor?
College HourFPU Transforms Lives #Livingexample
College HourCome worship with us in College Hour
College HourWhy they dont let the final exam determine their fate…
College HourA Call to lay it all on the Line! Romans 12:1-2
AlumniMaking Lemonade


College HourMissions Prayer List For Cape Town 2016
AlumniBy the numbers: 1 impacts 100s


College HourIts another manna-moment!
College HourFPU Dance Crew Spreads the Gospel Through the Arts!
College HourCome worship at the Cross
College HourHe is not here, but is risen.
College HourDevotional for the Soul
College HourA Devotional Thought From Billy Graham
College HourRelationship Emphasis Month
College HourRelationship Emphasis Month!
College HourThe Power of Prayer and Holy Boldness!
College HourThe Call to Make Disciples is Critical in the Kingdom!
College HourCome worship at the Cross!
AlumniAlumna shines light in earth’s dark corners
College HourWhy do we celebrate black history month?
College HourWhy do we celebrate black history month?


College HourCommitted to Missions @ FPU
College HourCalling the Church in Fresno: Come Pray With Us @ FPU!
College HourTrue Transformation-The Anne Lobert Story
College HourShine Your Light by Celebrate You
College HourCelebrating a new beginning…Welcome Back!
College HourWhy failure is not final?
College HourI can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!
AlumniLyons man Bill Deeter nationally ranked masters thrower



College HourThe Coming of the King
College HourAn Advent Prayer For You
AlumniAlumni take part in papal visit
College HourJesus is the Reason for the Season


College HourA Thanksgiving Prayer for the FPU Family
College HourCommunity Soul Care @ FPU
Study AbroadMeeting the Mittapab in Vientiane
College HourA Good Word to Remember when thinking about family…
Study AbroadWat Xieng Thong… Buddhist temple
Study AbroadHo Chi Minh Mausoleum
Educated StateBooks that Shape Us
AlumniA 21st Century Peacemaker


Study AbroadA Weekend Spent “At Home”.
Study AbroadWomen’s Day in Vietnam
College HourFPU Going Back to Haiti …
Study AbroadReligious Change in Vietnam
College HourThe Fresno Pacific Kingdom Agenda
College HourLets give God the Glory
Study AbroadInterning and Learning
College HourIt’s Another Manna Moment From the University Pastor
College HourDon’t Ever Give Up!
College HourChange Yourself and Change the World
Study AbroadHanoi!
College HourEngaging In The Great Comission @ FPU
Study AbroadAlong the Mekong River Delta & Cham Village
College HourAnxiety/Stress #Don’tdoit!
College HourWords to Live By #sometimesyoujusthavetoworship…
College HourThe Man in the Mirror #Looking@yourself
College HourThe Power of Words #devotionalthoughts
Study AbroadSouth Vietnam
AlumniAn educator connects beyond the classroom


Study AbroadMy Lai: Innocents Massacred by Heros
Study AbroadHonking in Vietnam Equals Safety
College HourWe Love Jesus, So we follow Him in Baptism
College HourMaking Disciples @ Fresno Pacific University
College HourIt is Finished
College HourThe Ministry of Giving
College HourThe Gift of Relationship
College HourFellowship as Spiritual formation
Study AbroadA Weekend in Hoi An
Study Abroad“Clean Green Sunday”
College HourA Peace and Justice Mandate from Gods Word
College HourThe Love Challenge for Fresno Pacific University
College HourThe Evidence of Gods Love at FPU
College HourLove as a call to action
AlumniWhat do eBay, Twitter and AT&T have in common with FPU?
Study AbroadHaircuts and Earwax
Study AbroadCham Island
Study AbroadVietnam Independence Day
Study AbroadFirst days in Danang
College HourManna Moments for You
College HourMinistry as Spiritual formation
College HourBible Study as Spiritual formation


College HourSoul care: How to Tell if You are Depressed
Study AbroadGood Morning Vietnam!
College HourUniversity Prayer of Dedication
College HourLet’s study the word of God!
College HourA Special Thanks to our World Class Faculty
College HourPrayer
Alumni1 alum uses music to affect 100’s
College HourSports Evangelism in Africa with FPU Alumni
College HourFPU Alumni On Mission in Congo


Study AbroadDifferent Pieces of Ministry
Study AbroadMany Languages, One Table
Study AbroadConnecting N. Thailand to Fresno
AlumniAn Alum, an Idea and a Runaway Tamale
Study AbroadWhat does Jesus offer a Buddhist?


College HourKilling in Charleston: Is racism Spiritual Warfare?
Educated StatePracticing Scholarship
AlumniMeet Your Alumni Council


Study AbroadKid’s Ministry
Study AbroadFinca Esperanza by: Vianey Barraza & Anahi De La Cruz
Study AbroadChange Starts from Becoming Aware by: Valerie Ayala
Study AbroadItaly…so far
Study AbroadChurch with Our Colombian Brothers and Sisters by: Marlene Villaseñor
College HourLearning to Hope in Haiti
Study AbroadThailand 2015
Study AbroadItaly 2015
Study AbroadColumbia 2015
AlumniCareer Services for Alumni
College HourThe Seventeen Blessings for the Child of God in PSALM 23
AlumniFrom tennis partner to church and school leader: an international alum’s story


College HourPersonal prayer as a spiritual formation
College HourFPU Students prepare to “Tell the World” about their relationship with Jesus Christ!
AlumniAn anatomic pathologist? What’s that?


College HourDoes Community Matter! I think So….
College HourGod Specializes in Using Little Things…
AlumniStanding up for what’s right in a not-so-black-and-white world
College HourWhen the flesh gets out of control (pt.2)
College HourWhen the flesh gets out of control (pt.1)


College HourResponding to ISIS: 3 Strategies for the Church
College HourSpiritual Warfare and Moral Confusion in the 21rst Century… “Is it really real”?
AlumniA Cool Business that Gives Back


Educated StateOn Reading and Misreading, Faith and Reason
College HourFPU Students Going East To Serve Others!
AlumniWell-Equipped for the Journey



College HourJesus, the reason for the season Jn 3:16
College HourA Savior with a Towel Mentality Jn. 13:1-11
AlumniAlumni Professional Mixer
College HourA Servant with a Towel Ministry John 13:12-20
College HourPraying the right way: Jesus Prayed About It.


AlumniLynne Ashbeck lives what she learned at FPU
College HourThe Power of Unbelief (The Reason He Went to Calvary) John 12:34-50
Educated StateThe Changing Nature of the Professorate
College HourThe Joy of Finding Jesus John 4:28-30


College HourAbiding in Christ and Producing Results (pt. 2) John 15:1-4
Educated StateShared Governance: Start Here
AlumniAn Alumnus Covered in Mud
College HourLove One Another: Why Loving Others is Not an Option
College HourA Savior for the Storm John 6:14-21
Educated StateThe Ecology of Higher Education and Fresno Pacific
College HourAbiding in Christ and Producing Results (pt. 1)
Educated StateSunbird Athletics


College HourA Ministry Mandate for Disciples John 14:12-14
Study AbroadAn Indian Grandmother
Study AbroadChristian Concern Mission
AlumniA Stand Up and Cheer Alumnus Story
Study AbroadMilestones
College Hour“A Moment With Jesus” John 3:1-8
College Hour“The Power of Prayer”
Study AbroadThursday, September 11
Study AbroadKeep the Chai coming…
College HourGod Knows Just What You Need: A Helper Sent by God
Study AbroadLife in Shamshabad
College HourJesus is the Eternal Word of God
Study AbroadA Warm Welcome


College HourA Call To Walk In the Light
College HourWhat we believe as A Christian University…
College Hour4 Reasons for Moses to Believe in God


Study AbroadHow ought we to live?
Study AbroadJesus is Arrested in the Garden
Study AbroadGalilee day 3!
Study AbroadTo Coban We Went
College HourIn Memory of Noé Hernandez, the Friend of God!
Study AbroadThe wedding at Cana
Study AbroadGalilee-ward
Study AbroadAdvertisement in a New Light
College HourGive Me The Mountains Josh.14:11-12
Study AbroadChristmas in May!
Study AbroadMasada and the Dead Sea!
Study AbroadHaylie Copeland
Study AbroadJesus and His Times Megan Weber
College HourSomebody Prayed For You Ephesians 1:16-23
Study AbroadDome of the Rock
College Hour15 things to remember about prayer!
Study AbroadJesus Day!
College HourA Seat at the Kings Table 2 Sam 9:1-7
Study AbroadComing to Life
College HourJust Like Judas – Luke 22:1-6
Study AbroadGalilee
Study AbroadTessa Gregory-Onward to Galilee!
Study AbroadHaylie Copeland
Study AbroadA Story Needing to Be Told
Study AbroadMasada the Dead Sean, En Gedi and Quram
College Hour7 Biblical Models of Leadership by Brooks Faulkner


Study AbroadBiblical Negev
College HourLearning how to encourage yourself!
Study AbroadDavid and Goliath
Study AbroadWe have arrived!
Study AbroadWandering in the Wilderness
Study AbroadGary Mejia Israel 2014
Study AbroadFriday Bethlehem Trip by: Christy
Study AbroadThursday 6/19: Old City of Jerusalem Holy Sites (Allison)
Study AbroadDay 2 in Israel- The City of David and Hezekiah’s Tunnel
Study Abroadday one in Israel
College HourSpiritual Development in The Life of the Pastor
College HourA Pastors Personal Leadership Development
Study AbroadThe Synodia in Meteora
College HourLeadership and Soul Care Anyone?
College HourSix things every University Pastor wishes that every student knew…
College HourAre You A Witness for God?
Study Abroad(Inter)National Pride
Study AbroadThe End is Near! Seoul, Korea
Study AbroadAthens: Arrivals, Adventures, and Acclimation
Study AbroadHome Again


Study AbroadThe Vietnamese Market
Study AbroadMy Lai Massacre
Study AbroadTransportation into Hue???
Study AbroadHue!
Study AbroadPast Meets Present 45 Years Later
College HourHow to Pray for the enemy
Study AbroadA Day of History
Study AbroadA Separate Departure
Study AbroadMarkets, Factories, and Puppets!
Study AbroadA weekend with friends
Study AbroadThe Majority and Minority in Vietnam
Study AbroadVietnam is Hot!
Study AbroadDay 2: Bike ride & Churches
Study AbroadFirst Day in Vietnam
College HourWhy I Love Commencement!
College HourThe Joy of Christian Support & Service
College HourWhy the caged bird sings


Educated StateApologetics at Evidence 2014


Educated StateGod is doing a new thing…now what do we do?


Educated StateLabyrinth



Educated StateMulticultural Celebrations
Educated StateThe End of the Semester and Scholarly Pursuits


Educated StateThe Spirituality of Faith and Learning


Educated StateIntegration of Faith and Learning II
Educated StateIntegration of Faith and Learning
Educated StateMennonite Icons


Educated StateLiving with Differences of Theological Opinion


Educated StateFaculty Appointments


Educated StateInternational Experience


Educated StateMy Favorite Mystic
Educated StateThe Hidden Curriculum


Educated StateMastery and Gift


Educated State“Habemus Papam!”
Educated State“Lost in Transition”


Educated StatePoetry at Pacific


Educated StateRemembering and Renewing, Martin Luther King Celebration
Educated StateEducation in the Modern World
Educated StateAcademic Administration



Educated StateCollege Hour—Honoring Faculty and Staff
Educated StateLeadership Qualities


Educated StateReformation Day
Educated StateBoard Meeting, Fall 2012
Educated StateAICCU Annual Planning Retreat
Educated StateStarting an Academic Career
Educated StateInauguration!


Educated StateHope for the New Year
Study AbroadPeace


Study AbroadA Glimpse of God’s Heart
Study AbroadHaridwar
Study AbroadThe Wagah Border
Study AbroadYoga!
Study AbroadSikhism
Study AbroadFirst Destination
Study AbroadIndia’s Many Great Ministries
Study AbroadGetting Lost
Study AbroadBeauty
Study AbroadA Learning Process
Study AbroadVisiting the Taj
Study AbroadHosts of Hospitality
Study AbroadWarmly Welcomed
Study AbroadSunday Worship
Study AbroadDriving
Study AbroadFamily By Choice
Study AbroadFriends
Study AbroadGod is Good…


Study AbroadIndia Sojourn


Educated StateAccreditation Annual Meeting
Educated StateInspirational Professors


Educated StateCompletion Rates


Educated StateFrancis Chan, Thank You…
Educated StateTraditions and Education


Educated StateProvost’s Convocation—Callings



Educated StateStudent Loans and Success
Educated StateEssay Collections—Continuing our Education


Educated StateInvesting in Higher Education–Loans
Educated StateBoard Meetings
Educated StateWorship and Education


Educated StateThe Value of a University Education
Educated StateHow Get Into Graduate School
Educated StateFPU 9/11 Memorial


Educated StateMulti-tasking, Connectedness and Emerging Adults
Educated StateA New Year Begins
Educated StateEducation, Religion and Crime


Educated StateJohn Stott, 1921-2011
Educated StateBusiness Education and the Liberal Arts


Educated StateAre the Classics Enough?
Educated StateProvost?
Educated StateMaster’s Degrees and Student Learning Outcomes


Educated StateAccreditation and Student Learning


Educated StateThe Story on FPU and Independent Higher Education



Educated StateBook Reviewing and Teaching


Educated StateAcademic Rhythm
Educated StateTOMS shoes taught us something about business


Educated StateNew College Ratings—“First Things”
Educated StateEthics Experiment
Educated StateChristian Higher Education Month


Educated StateCollege Fairs Coming Up


Educated StateWhy is our enrollment up?


Educated StateChristians in College and Christian Colleges


Educated StateReflecting on the Academic Year
Educated StateHumanities in the National News


Educated StateAn Open Letter to Carly Fiorina, Senate Candidate


Educated StateUniversities and the Liberal Arts Too
Educated StateUniversities and the Liberal Arts
Educated StateWhat does it take to run a university?


Educated StateMB Biblical Seminary Joins Fresno Pacific University
Educated StateContemplative Prayer Retreat–14th Century Mystics


Educated StateGoing to College–Dance of Joy
Educated StateRotaract Club



Educated StateEthical Learning


Educated StateSamaritan Scholars


Educated StateNo Increase in Tuition–Our Risk
Educated StateMaking it through the Financial Aid Maze
Educated State“Get Into College”


Educated StateOur Rich Variety of Universities
Educated StateChoosing a College that Fits You


Educated StateWelcome to the New Year
Educated StateThanks for the Good News Fresno Bee
Educated StateFaculty Mentoring


Educated StateTurning to Teaching–Business Ethics
Educated StateBudget Cuts and Room for Students


Educated StateEducation and the Economy
Educated StateGraduation Rates and Student Success


Educated StateCal Grant and Students Who Succeed
Educated StateWhat a Good University Does


College HourHonors Convocation
Educated StateThe Faith Dimension
College HourKaren Crozier
College HourDennis Janzen
College HourRocio Quevedo
Educated StateEducation of the Future/Present
College HourPaul Binion
College HourJules Glanzer
College HourSheri Wiedenhofer
College HourPastor Angulus Wilson


College HourGarry Prieb
College HourTremper Longman III
College HourKaren Cinanci
College HourPastor Elias Loera
College HourDavid Hooker and Rick Eastin
College HourRay Bakke
College HourPastor Angulus- All Men’s College Hour
College HourKaren Gaithers- All Women’s College Hour
Educated StateLaboring for Good News!


College HourDr. Gary Gramenz
College HourPastor Roy & Zoe Anne Pope
College HourPastor J.R Coleman
College HourPastor Martin Lewis
College HourDr. Herma Williams


College HourI am changing my testimony!
College HourFPU Gospel Ensemble “Live in College Hour”
College HourMLK. Reconciliation Prayer Breakfast



Educated StateWhat to do with higher ed…now