Day 6: A Day in Chengdu

Day 6: A Day in Chengdu

Hello from Chengdu! We spent today at Chengdu Technological University, also known as CDTU. This vocational university was founded in 1913 and has around 13,000 students. CDTU works to prepare students for jobs for organizations such as Foxconn and Intel. (Next time you use your Apple product, think of CDTU students!) We were greeted by CDTU’s International Office and given a brief tour of their manufacturing technology. We visited an English class and were given free time to socialize with the students. Afterwards, the students demonstrated a few of their creations, from drones to robots to virtual reality. We were then split into smaller groups for a campus tour, during which we cycled through four different activities: Chinese character calligraphy, archery, Han dynasty clothing, and the university museum tour. At the end of the day, many WeChat QR codes were scanned and friendships were forged. Today’s events were rewarding because China is now the place where my friends Kai, Mao, Melissa, and Toby live.

Chengdu Technological University
Study Abroad

Kassie Klien

China/Vietnam 2019

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