

Today is Wednesday July 25th, and our trip is almost over! By Monday we will be back in the US, but for now we’re still out there experiencing the culture of India. For example, this morning we started out our day with a little bit of yoga in the city of Ambala! The man who hosted us yesterday (Tuesday) thought it would be good for us to try something that has been used in other religions, but with a little Christian twist. He advocated having yoga as a form of maintaining ones health. In addition, he encouraged meditational prayer as a means to connect to the Lord. While this had been a different experience for many of us, our group enjoyed participating in the fusion of these two concepts.

This practice of meditational prayer reminded me of the verse in Psalms 46:10 which states, “Be still, and know that I am God…” I won’t go too much into detail, but our experience of literally “being still” was a good change of pace. We had the chance to pray in a calm and relaxed atmosphere making it easier to connect with the Lord. By taking the time to push everything aside and simply focus on God, our day in Ambala was off to a great start. Have a blessed day!


Study Abroad
Darren Duerksen

Darren Duerksen

India 2012