2025 |
February |
Greece in the Shoulder Season |
January |
Where We’ve Gone and What We’ve Done–FPU Alumni and Friends Tours, 2017-2024 |
2024 |
July |
Barcelona to Milan and Florence, Alumni and Friends Tour, 2024 |
2023 |
August |
Summer 2022 Alumni Tour #2, France and Catching Up after COVID |
Summer 2022 Alumni Tour #1, Central Europe and the Perils of Travel just after COVID |
Summer 2023 Alumni and Friends Tour—Landscapes Scotland and Ireland |
2022 |
June |
History Graduates |
2021 |
Reconsidering the Puritans |
January |
Meditational Reading from the History of the Church |
2020 |
November |
“Invention: The Art of the Liberal Arts” |
August |
Can’t or Cant |
May |
Why do we consult scholarship? |
January |
Expectations for Education |
Popular Histories for Understanding and Teaching |
2019 |
November |
Reflections on Italy |
June |
Experiencing Rome |
May |
On to Siena and Assisi |
April |
Florence, Italy! |
Thinking Historically |
March |
Still Learning about Teaching |
February |
On Our Way to Italy–Venice |
January |
Dilbert Explains PhDs |
2018 |
December |
I like history, now… |
October |
Political Wisdom–Aristotle and Politics Today |
Beauty and Travel |
May |
The Great Divorce |
February |
The Joy of Reading and Travel |
January |
Getting Ready for the 2018 Lewis, Tolkien and Christian Authors Tour |
2017 |
December |
C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien and Christian Writers of England Tour, June 2018 |
October |
The Reformation at 500 Years |
Core Values and Current Business Scandals |
August |
The Deeper Dimension of Business Ethics |
July |
The Grandeur and Tragedy of the Reformation |
Reflections on our Tour of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation |
Switzerland among the Reformed and the Anabaptists |
June |
Beauty and Unity in the Reformation |
Luther’s Table Talk and Quotes, and Bach too |
Berlin and Wittenberg–Overwhelming! |
500th Anniverary Reformation Tour 2017–Our Beginning |
April |
Jeanne d’Albret and Gracious Leadership |
January |
The 500th Anniversary of the Reformation |
2016 |
September |
Sabbatical |
2015 |
November |
Books that Shape Us |
June |
Practicing Scholarship |
January |
On Reading and Misreading, Faith and Reason |
2014 |
November |
The Changing Nature of the Professorate |
October |
Shared Governance: Start Here |
The Ecology of Higher Education and Fresno Pacific |
Sunbird Athletics |
March |
Apologetics at Evidence 2014 |
February |
God is doing a new thing…now what do we do? |
January |
Labyrinth |
2013 |
December |
Multicultural Celebrations |
The End of the Semester and Scholarly Pursuits |
November |
The Spirituality of Faith and Learning |
October |
Integration of Faith and Learning II |
Integration of Faith and Learning |
Mennonite Icons |
August |
Living with Differences of Theological Opinion |
July |
Faculty Appointments |
June |
International Experience |
May |
My Favorite Mystic |
The Hidden Curriculum |
April |
Mastery and Gift |
March |
“Habemus Papam!” |
“Lost in Transition” |
February |
Poetry at Pacific |
January |
Remembering and Renewing, Martin Luther King Celebration |
Education in the Modern World |
Academic Administration |
2012 |
November |
College Hour—Honoring Faculty and Staff |
Leadership Qualities |
October |
Reformation Day |
Board Meeting, Fall 2012 |
AICCU Annual Planning Retreat |
Starting an Academic Career |
Inauguration! |
August |
Hope for the New Year |
April |
Accreditation Annual Meeting |
Inspirational Professors |
March |
Completion Rates |
February |
Francis Chan, Thank You… |
Traditions and Education |
January |
Provost’s Convocation—Callings |
2011 |
November |
Student Loans and Success |
Essay Collections—Continuing our Education |
October |
Investing in Higher Education–Loans |
Board Meetings |
Worship and Education |
September |
The Value of a University Education |
How Get Into Graduate School |
FPU 9/11 Memorial |
August |
Multi-tasking, Connectedness and Emerging Adults |
A New Year Begins |
Education, Religion and Crime |
July |
John Stott, 1921-2011 |
Business Education and the Liberal Arts |
June |
Are the Classics Enough? |
Provost? |
Master’s Degrees and Student Learning Outcomes |
April |
Accreditation and Student Learning |
March |
The Story on FPU and Independent Higher Education |
2010 |
December |
Book Reviewing and Teaching |
November |
Academic Rhythm |
TOMS shoes taught us something about business |
October |
New College Ratings—“First Things” |
Ethics Experiment |
Christian Higher Education Month |
September |
College Fairs Coming Up |
August |
Why is our enrollment up? |
July |
Christians in College and Christian Colleges |
June |
Reflecting on the Academic Year |
Humanities in the National News |
April |
An Open Letter to Carly Fiorina, Senate Candidate |
March |
Universities and the Liberal Arts Too |
Universities and the Liberal Arts |
What does it take to run a university? |
February |
MB Biblical Seminary Joins Fresno Pacific University |
Contemplative Prayer Retreat–14th Century Mystics |
January |
Going to College–Dance of Joy |
Rotaract Club |
2009 |
December |
Ethical Learning |
November |
Samaritan Scholars |
October |
No Increase in Tuition–Our Risk |
Making it through the Financial Aid Maze |
“Get Into College” |
September |
Our Rich Variety of Universities |
Choosing a College that Fits You |
August |
Welcome to the New Year |
Thanks for the Good News Fresno Bee |
Faculty Mentoring |
July |
Turning to Teaching–Business Ethics |
Budget Cuts and Room for Students |
June |
Education and the Economy |
Graduation Rates and Student Success |
May |
Cal Grant and Students Who Succeed |
What a Good University Does |
April |
The Faith Dimension |
Education of the Future/Present |
March |
Laboring for Good News! |
2008 |
December |
What to do with higher ed…now |