Church with Our Colombian Brothers and Sisters by: Marlene Villaseñor

Church with Our Colombian Brothers and Sisters by: Marlene Villaseñor

Church with Our Colombian Brothers and Sisters

by: Marlene Villaseñor iglesia foto copy 11292793_1096471363720053_140530277_n

Sunday, May 17, 2015

We drove to the outskirts of Bogota. Although bumpy, we enjoyed the ride as our heads bobbled all the way to the “Iglesia Menonita del barrio de Santa Marta.” We had no idea what awaited us at our destination. As soon as we entered the very humble church, we were greeted with an overwhelming feeling of hospitality and the presence of the Lord abundantly filled our hearts. We had the privilege to introduce ourselves and worship along our brothers and sisters. Worship was led by a group of young people, they filled our spirits with songs of joy and happiness. As soon as they ended worship service, the Pastor came up to speak to the congregation. She explained to us that her sermons are interactive with the congregation. As she spoke to us the word of God, we were allowed to comment, agree, or even disagree. Not only were we fed spiritually but after service and an uplifting prayer, they were very kind and offered us a meal. We had rice with a piece of bread and their very delicious typical hot chocolate. Everybody was having a great time while fellowshipping and enjoying their meals. We stepped outside the church, the children were eager to start a game of fútbol (soccer). They were laughing and having a good time running up and down the steep street that they were using as their soccer field. As our trip to the church came to an end, we all gathered at the door of the church and took a picture of the group and the church members to make sure we documented this memory.

Study Abroad
 Ken Friesen

Ken Friesen

Columbia 2015