We have arrived!

We have arrived!
It has been about a week that Fresno Pacific University students made it safely to Guatemala City after leaving Fresno on June 21. We are grateful for the partnership that we have with Casas (Central America Study and Service) and Semilla Latin American Seminary. Our host team, Vicki & Andrea, have been amazing in helping our students adjust to the culture, climate, and their host families. All ten of our students have been paired with incredible Guatemalan families who have warmly received our students. I personally thanked each of the families on behalf of FPU for opening their homes and families to our students. Our families feel immediately in love with our students! (That’s our birds!)
On Monday morning we began classes bright and early. The first week of classes has consisted of learning the history of Guatemala. Our FPU students are being challenged and pushed to think critically about how history is told and from what perspective it is told. Dr. Hector Castaneda has opened up our students’ eyes to some of the global issues that effected not only Guatemala’s story but also the USA’s. In the afternoons our students head out to various parts of the city to explore and immerse themselves in the culture. We have visited the national cemetery, the city dump, and the national palace. Each activity exposes our students to the complex history of Guatemala.
There is much I can share about the deep reflections, questions, jokes, and overall impressions our students have had this week but it is best to hear it from their perspective. The next couple of weeks some of our students will blog stories, impressions, reflections, and antidotes about the impact this study abroad has had on them.
Please keep us in your prayers.
Que dios los bendiga,
Cindy Jurado
Director of College Hour & Chapel Program