What do FPU alums have to do with prostitutes and stray dogs?

What do FPU alums have to do with prostitutes and stray dogs?
Rici (Bell, MA ’05, BA ’02) and Phil (M.Div ’06) Skei
Pastors at On Ramps Covenant Church and Lowell neighborhood revitalizers
Rici graduated from FPU with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and a Master’s in School Psychology. Phil graduated from the seminary with a Master’s of Divinity. In 2011, they planted an intentional multi-class, multi-ethnic, multi-generational church in Fresno’s impoverished Lowell neighborhood, and their lives, as well as countless others, have never been the same.
Read more of their story in the article “Ministry in the ‘Devil’s Triangle’” by Stan Friedman, February 24, 2016.
I loved this story about how God is changing Fresno one neighborhood at a time!