Q & A with President and Mrs. Jones

Q & A with President and Mrs. Jones
Joseph Jones, Ph.D. – Fresno Pacific University President
Yvette Jones – University Ambassador
What drew you to Fresno Pacific?
We were drawn to FPU by divine intervention. The hand of God orchestrated and commissioned us to come to FPU.
Dr. Joe: Years ago I wrote my personal mission in a journal. It is to “extend the influence of the Kingdom of God through Christian higher education.” When I saw that same phrase in the Fresno Pacific Idea, it was confirmation that God was calling us here.
Where did you meet? Do you have children?
We met in a church in Hampton, Virginia, and were married three months later. We have two married adult daughters and five grandchildren from the ages of 3 to 12 years old.
If you have a day to do anything you want, what would you choose?
Dr. Joe: Doing what I’m doing now—being president of Fresno Pacific University.
Mrs. Yvette: What I would do on a day I could do anything I like? I would spend the day designing greeting cards.
Do you have a hobby or favorite pastime?
Dr. Joe: Reading and bike riding.
Mrs. Yvette: My hobbies are knitting, creating greeting cards, interior decorating and journaling.
What is your favorite verse?
Our favorite verse is Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Besides the Bible, what is your favorite author/book?
Dr. Joe: Biographies and St. Augustine, Mother Teresa, C.S Lewis and Andrew Murray.
Mrs. Yvette: My favorite authors are James Allen, Joyce Meyers and John Maxwell.
What is a life-long lesson your parents taught you?
Dr. Joe: The importance of prayer. I’ve always known my mom as a woman of prayer.
Mrs. Yvette: A life lesson my heavenly Father taught me was to do nothing for the applause or pat on the back but to seek to please Him in all I do.
What about you would surprise people?
People would be surprised that we have trotted around the globe and been on every continent except Australia.