Kolkata Adventures
Kolkata Adventures
Written By: Rocio Claros
Among the many adventures we have experienced here in Kolkata, India, there is one in particular that I would like to share. About a few days ago we had the wonderful opportunity to go to the state of Orissa with the MCC organization. The purpose of the trip was to see and learn more about the projects MCC is involved in. In order to get to Orissa, we took an overnight train ride. I was not so excited about the idea to go on a train; I had never been on one, not even Amtrak back in the states. Therefore, I was a little apprehensive about the whole situation. One of my worries was that I was going to be left behind or that I’d have to run after it to get on. But thank God none of that happened, we all managed to get on the train and settled in our given bunks. It surely was an eventful train ride. Most of the night I spent killing bugs (people that know me know that I am scared by any kind of bug); I freak out and get paranoid. So, you can imagine. Anyway, we got to Orissa safely and we began our two-day adventure. The person in charge of our tour through Orissa had organized a very nice lunch in a restaurant up on a hill. We got to see such a beautiful scenery. It was raining and it was just amazing. There was so much green in every direction we looked. After lunch we got taken to a guest house which belongs to a Buddhist Monastery. It was a beautiful house and, once we settled in, we had the opportunity to visit the projects MCC is focusing on.
MCC has partnered with ISARA which has helped villages find a source of water so that the people from the villages don’t have the need to travel a long distance to get water. Now, that they have water, they have been able to make use of their land and plant crops, grow their own food, and make a living off of their land which has helped them tremendously. That is the short version of what MCC has been working on. We visited some of the villages where MCC and ISARA has completed this project. It was amazing to see how grateful the people are. The first village we went to greeted us with a welcoming ceremony. They had chairs set up for us to sit, away from the rain. They showed us around, showed us how the new water system worked and I could see they were proud, happy, and excited to be able to share what they have been able to do. Back home we take a lot of things for granted, seeing all of this makes me reflect on how much we don’t appreciate what we have, particularly the water we have. It was an awesome experience to be a part of and to learn about things that we hardly talk about back home. There is so much to do; so much to see. I think that God has a plan for this country and his work is just beginning to show. I can see it and sense it as I journey through India and as I learn more about the work that is being done here not just physically but spiritually as well. I hope that God opens the path for us and others to do more of what He has planned.
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