Mega Church Experience in Guatemala

Mega Church Experience in Guatemala


Before coming to Guatemala my preconceive notions of the evangelical churches were that they were the Holy Grail for the expansion towards the U.S. Especially due to the fact that my home church is Elim. While attending the Neo-Pentecostal Churches like Casa de Dios and by hearing from fellow colleges about La Frater I was able to see that their primary goal has been financial income. Also by studying  the various characteristics of a Neo-Pentecostal church I noticed their differences from my church. Their technological advances used as propaganda and tele network amazed me. While attending the Casa de Dios service I noticed that they have a vison and focus that God will bless them material wise by giving economically.  In midst of this I was blessed by the message that was given. Just how every church has its up and downs the main importance is that peoples lives should be transformed and their character and mind should be change towards that of Jesus Christ. Therefore one can ask what is the Church doing for its nation. Being a musician I stood amazed by the quality of sound, video, and lighting that the church contained. I always longed for my own home church to have all of this, now living it I will still love to have this but now with a different motive and intention. To be able to impact the lives
Coming to a conclusion that one cannot change the world by themselves Jesus has already done that but one can change their community and that would create a chain reaction.

Jesus: Visiting La Casa de Dios was a different experience because of how the organization of the sound and how they where able to project it as a concert and how myself as a musician was able to hear a different style of playing. The church also felt like and auditorium in being able to see the big building and parking lot.

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Study Abroad
 Ken Friesen

Ken Friesen

Guatemala 2016