Different Pieces of Ministry

Different Pieces of Ministry

blog post by Courtney King

As the kickoff off for the Thailand mission trip began, we were asked one specific question. What is missions? This question has been the center focus of the FPU team as we serve in Northern Thailand. What is the mission of God? What is our mission? And what is the mission here in the country of Thailand? Our journey has brought us all together, from many walks of life, to join in a common goal: to serve the people here in Northern Thailand and spread the good news of Jesus Christ. One should take note that God is already here and working. There is great evidence of his work and I am grateful that I have the opportunity to see that first hand. I believe our mission to serve Christ has remained the same, but our overall mission has changed to: serving where we are asked, encouraging the church here and providing extra hands around the Changed Life Center.

This now brings me to my next point. There are different pieces to the ministry of the Gospel. These faces include many different work projects and people. (On a side note: We are using the  Changed Life Center (CLC) as our main hub to conduct our ministry work.)

1. Prayer. This face to ministry may be one of the most important part, if not the most important part. There are hundreds of people praying for our team at home, while also praying for the church here in Thailand. Without prayer, there is almost no support of God. To be in-tune with God’s will we must be diving into what the scriptures say, praying about what God would want us to do and then listening to his voice. I heard once that “God’s voice can either be as loud and clear as thunder or as soft and quite as the winds that rustles the trees.” Our mission must start with the will of God.

2. Teaching & SharingOn the weekends we go out into the neighboring Khmu villages and run a children’s program, complete with games, crafts, music, and a bible story. On Sundays we have the opportunity to share testimonies with our fellow believers in the church and teach a Sunday School lesson. Understanding how to interact with the children in their culture has been a learning experience and an impactful one. There is great joy in singing and teaching the children about the love and grace of Christ. The staff meeting here at the CLC on Wednesdays, allowed us the chance to study the scripture with people from many different ethnic backgrounds and who spoke several languages. These experiences can be some of the most impactful experiences. We also have the opportunity to help the students who come to the CLC with homework and games.Sharing our knowledge of English is fun and sometimes challenging, but rewarding to see the smile and cheer when they understand the menaing of an english word. 5 days during the week, we are able to wake up early and eat breakfast with the students before they leave or school and resume talking with them at dinner. Community is one very special part of the goodness of Christ. We are able to share something as simple as a meal to be in fellowship. It is almost an appointed time that can be uniquely set apart for fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

2. Dirty Hands-On Work. Throughout the week days, we remain here at the Changed Life Center, taking care of some maintanince  work. As a team we have painted the celling of the boys dorm (damaged due to water leaks), planted trees (both fruit and palm trees), and deep clean the kitchen. If the place where ministries are being conducted is not maintained then it cannot be as effective. Being apart of preparing dinner has also taught us to be stewards of time, as well as giving us an opportunity to bless the things that we eat in community with each other. It also has given a insight and appreciation for the ladies who prepare meals every week for the students here at the Changed Life Center.

3. Music & Dancing. Music is also a universal language, just as the game of soccer is. Everyone, however comfortable with it, can relate to the sun Through music we have taught the students here at the center some line dances and then just to have fun messing around. Singing songs in two languages simultaneously ha also touched my heart. We can worship the God of the universe through dancing and singing, just as King David did. I think that this is part of showing our praise to the Lord for his blessings and continual love.


Study Abroad
 Ken Friesen

Ken Friesen

Thailand 2015