India’s Many Great Ministries

India’s Many Great Ministries

God is so amazing! I have been in India for a month now and I have had the privilege of visiting various churches, ministries and other Christian organizations throughout all of India. During my many weeks of preparation for this trip, I was aware that Christianity in India was only a tiny speck of a percentage of India’s population, but what I wasn’t aware of were the wonders of works that God was doing all over this country. Many different types of Christians flourish in India, like Presbyterians, Baptists, Mennonites, Pentecostals and you name it! The beautiful part of these churches in India is that God is so faithful here and these people and churches are glorifying God amidst cultures, traditions, and other religions that are not always so accepting.  I am continually amazed when I hear testimonies or short stories about the people I have met here and learn the struggles they endured before becoming believers and the struggles they still face daily. It is somewhat comforting to know that some of the personal struggles of the people here are similar to our own struggles, because it connects us even more as human beings seeking after Christ. There are also other struggles within the church in India that are similar to struggles we see in the churches in our own country. God has the same desires for everyone everywhere. We as Christians believe this to be true, but it wasn’t until I came to India until I fully realized and understood this. Walking through the streets of India and seeing the immense amounts of people everywhere, it is mind blowing to know that God has a plan for each and every one of them. I have travelled all over India and seen various types of churches, people, ministries, ways of worship, and even Christ-centered organizations that are calling for awareness and solutions for social issues. My heart has had to double in size so that I can fit my love of India in it, and God’s faithfulness, grace, and wonders have far surpassed my greatest dreams and hopes.  My prayer for these ministries, churches, people and for all of India is that God would continue His work here,that His will would be carried out and that individuals of every nation would come, not only to love India, but to love and respect one another.

-Landi Mello

Study Abroad
Darren Duerksen

Darren Duerksen

India 2012
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