Educated State


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July 08, 2024 Barcelona to Milan and Florence, Alumni and Friends Tour, 2024
August 21, 2023 Summer 2022 Alumni Tour #2, France and Catching Up after COVID
August 19, 2023 Summer 2022 Alumni Tour #1, Central Europe and the Perils of Travel just after COVID
August 18, 2023 Summer 2023 Alumni and Friends Tour—Landscapes Scotland and Ireland
June 02, 2022 History Graduates
June 04, 2021 Reconsidering the Puritans
January 15, 2021 Meditational Reading from the History of the Church
November 06, 2020 “Invention: The Art of the Liberal Arts”
August 31, 2020 Can’t or Cant
May 19, 2020 Why do we consult scholarship?
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