Getting Ready for the 2018 Lewis, Tolkien and Christian Authors Tour

Getting Ready for the 2018 Lewis, Tolkien and Christian Authors Tour
I am anticipating our alumni and friends of FPU Tour to England in June, and that means reading up on some of the works that draw us to the trip.
Just in case you would like to read a little bit before the tour if you are planning to travel with us, or if you would like to read along with us even though you are not going, here are a few titles you might look at. Some are my personal favorites, and some make for a good introduction to an author or topic. Maybe some of your favorites are here too. There is a more expansive list posted on this blog site (Christian Authors Readings). So here goes a very brief list for authors who spent their whole lives writing.
C. S. Lewis Gargoyle at Magdalen College, Oxford
C. S. Lewis, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Great Divorce, Mere Christianity (the movie versions of The Narnia stories are good too.)
J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit (and watch the three movies made of The Fellowship of the Ring)
Charles Williams, Many Dimensions
Dorothy Sayers, the radio dramas The Man Born to be King, essays in Creed or Chaos?
G. K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy, The Man Who was Thursday
Jane Austen, Mansfield Park
T. S. Eliot, “Ash Wednesday,” “Little Gidding,” and much more to explore.
John Donne, “Holy Sonnets,” his some of his Meditations.
George Herbert, “The Collar,” “The Pulley,” “Love (III)” and others in The Temple
John Bunyan, Pilgrims Progress
For the Inklings as a group see Humphrey Carpenter, The Inklings (1979) or Philip and Carol Zaleski, The Fellowship: The Literary Lives of the Inklings (2016). I also recommend highly the several issues from Christian History Magazine, which you can find and read online or purchase: On the Inklings #113, On C S Lewis #88, On JRR Tolkien #78 as well as on George McDonald #86 and G. K. Chesterton #75
Information on the tour can be found at
Happy Reading!