Jeanne d’Albret and Gracious Leadership
Jeanne d’Albret and Gracious Leadership
I have been thinking a lot about the Reformation these days. At least I have when I have a few minutes between preparations for new classes. We are heading out on a tour of Reformation Germany, Switzerland and The Netherlands in just about eight weeks. (If you are interested you can find more about it at Reformation Tours).
A couple of weeks ago, I contributed a brief article to the Christian History Institute’s blog called “Reformation Thursday.” It is on a topic that hasn’t received as much consideration as it might—the gracious actions of Christian leaders in times of conflict. If you are interested in the leadership of one of the great leaders of the French Reformation, Jeanne d’Albret, mother of Henry IV of France, you can get a glimpse into one episode in her remarkable strength as a leader, and faithful commitment to reform at the Reformation Thursday site.