How 2 keep from losing your mind
How 2 keep from losing your mind
Sermon Preached by Dr. Angulus Wilson
Jn. 4:46-54
Every now and then in life, you are thrown a trial that seems to wipe you out! This life is filled with unwanted suffering and pain. This life is filled with heartache and heartbreak. Life has stuff like cancer, death, suffering and racism that has a way of taking the breath out of you.
Life can sometime be cruel and a burden to carry that seems awful heavy. I believe it was Minister Moore that said life was also filled with storms that come to take you out.
The question is asked often by the weary traveler of life, how do I survive the sufferings of this world without loosing my mind?
I believe the answer is in the text this morning. For hidden within it is a case study of somebody who was a facing something that was bigger than him.
This brother was in trouble, discouragement was all around, disappointment had him in a headlock, and despair had him in a chokehold.
- His Baby was in trouble and time was running out! The Nobel-man’s money could no longer help, and the crisis was real.
- He was waiting for some divine help from somewhere but the help was slow to arrive.
- Then he heard that Jesus was back in the city. When he heard what he heard about the Master he did something about what he heard. He moved out in desperation to ask Jesus to come and Save his Baby.
Principal One:
To keep from losing your mind, get to Jesus as fast as you can!
Vs. 47 when he heard that Jesus had come out of Judea into Galilee, he went to Him and implored Him to come down and heal his son, for he was at the point of death.
- He came to the Master when He heard that he was in the area.
- He came believing that God could fix his case even though he never seen him do it before.
- He came hoping that God was able to do for Him what He had done for others.
- He came trusting that God would not turn him away.
- He came anticipating that Heaven was on his side.
When the crisis of life has got you down:
- Find out where the Master has gathered the crowd for worship and meet him there.
- Come to see him with faith that He can do anything but fail.
- Keep hoping and trusting that that God can do for you what He has done for others.
- Keep your eyes on Jesus and keep believing that Heaven is on your side.
Principal Two
To keep from losing your mind, keep your faith in God in the midst of the trial
49 The nobleman said to Him, “Sir, come down before my child dies!” 48 Then Jesus said to him, “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will by no means believe.”
- The nobleman knew that God could do anything but fail.
- The nobleman knew that Jesus had the power to fix his situation.
- The nobleman was willing to believe even-though it looked like God was not interested in his case.
- The Nobel-man was willing to stay there and pursue God in-spite of God not moving at the first request.
This man had a faith and assurance that was un-shakable. He saw God do it before and so when Jesus said the word, he moved on what he heard, and what he knew from the past experience.
- Sometime we have to have a previous experience with God in order to make it through our current right now trial.
- Sometime you have to pull up the reserve faith, “that stuff “you have saved up from the last time he brought you through.
- Sometime you have to pull up the miracle you saw a while back to remind you of just how faithful he is.
- There is a timing that God has in every individual case. Sometimes he moves right away, and sometime he doesn’t move at all. But you must know that He is God even if he chooses to do nothing in your case.
- Here we have a picture of the Nobel-man s fearless-faith! He was willing to hold on to hope and faith in-spite of what the outcome was
- God was more than able to rescue his Son, and He was going to be an intercessor on behalf of his baby, who could not plead on behalf of himself!
Principal Three
To keep from losing your mind, walk in faith even though you can’t see it!
50 Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your son lives.” So the man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him, and he went his way.
The Nobel-man had enough faith to believe the Promises of God even though he never seen them happen before
- The Nobel-man had enough hope that Jesus was right when he was told that his baby was alive
- The Nobel-man had a ear to hear what God was saying to Him concerning His trial
- The Nobel-man had a desire to trust God, so he walked away in Obedience to the word that He heard
- To walk in faith, is to believe and trust the word of God concerning your situation.
- To walk in faith is to bring your cares to Jesus and trust what He has to say about the situation.
- To walk in faith is to believe without a shadow of a doubt, that God has you in-spite of where you are and what it looks like.
- The Nobel-man didn’t see his baby well right away, yet he went to check on him by faith.
- The Nobel-man didn’t need for Jesus to come with him to the house, He took HIS word and walked by faith.
- The Nobel-man did not need a sign from the Lord, his word was good enough!
- I want to encourage you to stop looking for signs, and keep your eyes on the Word.
- If you got the Word of God, you don’t need a sign.
- Anybody will believe if you see a sign. Real faith is believing without seeing.
- Real faith says I know you can do it because your Word says that you can.
- If you got the promises of God, you got more than enough.
- If you got the Word, trust in it, believe in it, hold on to it and it will never let you down, You can keep from losing your mind.
By getting to Jesus with the Problem as quick as you can, You can keep from losing your mind.
By Keeping your faith in God in the midst of the trial, You can keep from losing your mind.
By Walking in Faith even though you can’t see it, If you will take your cues from the Nobel-man, you will see God more clearly in your life. If you will use His advice, you will enrich you’re your walk with God and Grow in His grace. The Bible is filled with people who walked by faith! God answers prayer according to faith.Because of faith God is in the rescue business! It is faith that catches the ear of God. When he sees it on display in the earth, He always rescues his children!
If you will take his example in the crisis, you will hear God speak, and see Him move.
For generations God has saved his own from life threatening situations
- Because of faith He saved Noah from a treacherous storm…….he’s in the rescue business
- Because of faith He saved Joseph from the calamities of life…….he’s in the rescue business
- Because of faith He saved David from a giant philistine……he’s in the rescue business
- Because of faith He saved Jonah from the depths of the deep…..he’s in the rescue business
- Because of faith He saved The Hebrew Boys from the wrath of Nebuchadnezzar…….he’s in the rescue business
- Because of faith He saved Daniel in the lion’s den he’s in the rescue business
- Jesus saw humanity in trouble- and came through 42 generations; he’s in the rescue business
- To build our faith He saved the disciples from the storm at sea…..he’s in the rescue business
- To build our faith He brought the dead back to life,
- To build our faith he gave sight to the blind,
- To build our faith he made the cripple walk,
- To build our faith he cured those with diseases…..he’s in the rescue business
- One Friday night he gave his life on The Cross to save you and me….he’s in the rescue business
- He died to set the captives free….he’s in the rescue business
- He took the sting out of death & victory over the grave….he’s in the rescue business
- He rose from the dead early Sunday morning with all power in his hands To build our faith he gave us test and opportunities
- To build our faith, he rescues us from the face of danger
- To build our faith, he gave us trials and tribulations
So hold on, don’t lose your mind, help is on the way!