Intercession for Victims in Florida

Intercession for Victims in Florida


We pray for those affected by terrorist attacks around the world, and especially those in Florida this past week.
We pray for the families who have lost loved ones.
We pray for the fire, police and ambulance staff on the scene.
We pray for the doctors and nurses caring for the hurting.
We pray for the reporters who work through intense emotion to bring us the pictures and news of the day.
We pray for our elected leaders who so desperately need wisdom from beyond themselves.
We pray for the clergy in Florida who care first-hand for the spiritual needs of those who have experienced this great tragedy.
We pray for the Law enforcement agencies who seek to find out who would do this so they might be brought to justice.
We pray for our nation — that this event will bring us together and turn our thoughts toward helping each other to overcome the threat of terrorism.
We pray for all those who might be tempted to think that violence accomplishes anything of lasting value.
Lastly, We pray for every peace lover in this world.

May God break the cycle of violence to make a difference for His Peace and Grace in this sinful world. Amen.

Let us pray together

University Pastor: God the Father,
Community: have mercy upon us.

University Pastor: God the Son,
Community: have mercy upon us.

University Pastor: God the Holy Spirit,
Community: have mercy upon us.

University Pastor: Holy, blessed and glorious Trinity,
Community: have mercy upon us.

University Pastor: By your holy incarnation, by your cross and passion,
by your precious death and burial,
Community: have mercy upon us.

University Pastor: By your glorious resurrection and ascension,
and by the coming of the Holy Spirit,
Community: have mercy upon us.

University Pastor: Graciously hear us, Lord Jesus Christ,
that it may please you to deliver your servants from all evil
and from eternal death,
Community: hear us, good Lord.

University Pastor: That it may please you mercifully to pardon all their sins,
Community: hear us, good Lord.

University Pastor: That it may please you to give them peace, rest and gladness,
raising them to new life in your kingdom,
Community: hear us, good Lord.

University Pastor: That it may please you to bring us, with all your saints,
to a joyful resurrection,
Community: hear us, good Lord.

All together: In darkness and in light, in trouble and in joy, help us, O God, to trust your love, to seek your purpose, and to praise your name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

College Hour
University Pastor

University Pastor