Jesus is the Reason for the Season

Jesus is the Reason for the Season

John 3:16
16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
Over the past few weeks I have noticed that “The world” has truly got it twisted when it comes to celebrating Christmas. For many people believe that Christmas is a time of partying, gambling, and letting your hair down.
1. Some believe that it is all about the presents and the tree.
2. Some believe it is about the children or doing good deeds “this one time of year”.
3. Some believe it is about the alcohol or the getting high moments, or perhaps even getting into debt for the ones you love.
As your Pastor of FPU, I stop by to tell you today, that Christmas is not about any of these things.
Christmas is not about you getting credit card bills, worldly thrills, temporary frills and even relational chills.
Christmas is not about what you see on T.V or at Wall-mart. It is not about the lights, cakes or pies. It is not about getting something new or something old.
The reason that the world has Christmas today, and the reason that we celebrate the birth of Christ is found right here in this passage of scripture.
Christmas is really all about “The great advent of God”! Emmanuel, God HIMSELF coming down to dwell with us.
This wonderful season of love and giving comes from God. It was God’s Love for man that caused Him to intervene on our behalf and break into time to save us from our SIN.
The reason for the season today is two fold today.
1. Christmas is about God revealing Himself to us.
2. Christmas is about God revealing His plan of salvation for man.
Theological Background:
Why did God decide to do this?
Well in the very beginning of time (as we know it) Man once dwelled with God in a perfect environment. The bible teaches that the very first man and woman, Adam and Eve sinned against God, and rebelled against him by disobeying his command. And when they did this they fell from their relationship with Him, into what we call SIN.
God had promised them that if they ever did this they would surely die. When they sinned against God, they not only died spiritually, but they caused the entire world to be condemned. This condemnation all came into existence because of their one act of rebellion and disobedience against God!
And now because of their SIN all of mankind must die, ever since the fall of man, everybody ever born was born wrong, we were all born into sin, born to die, and born enemies of God.
Their one act of Sin demanded payment, it was rebellion against a Holy God and his order of righteousness for the world.
Sin is the enemy of God, and directly opposes his will for mans life.
Sin is therefore costly, because humanity was never designed to live in rebellion against their maker.

As a result of sin, life can be horrible:

1. Because of sin, we got unwanted pain and pressure in the world.
2. Because of sin, we have trouble and evil in the world.
3. Because of sin, babies are killed in the womb before they have a chance at life.
4. Because of sin, children kill their parents and parents kill their children.
5. Because of sin there is universal calamity, and death all over the world.
6. Because of sin man has fallen from God’s original plan for his life.
7. Because of sin Man is cursed with rebellion against his creator.

Adam and eve had a choice in the Garden of Eden to obey God and live forever in a perfect relationship with him, or to rebel and do things their own way.

They chose to rebel against God’s plan, by eating the forbidden fruit, (which God warned them not too) because of their choice, death entered into the world and passed unto all generations.

Now every man, woman, boy and girl, from the crack house to the white house, the poor house to the rich house, Alabama to Zimbabwe are born enemies of God who live in rebellion against him and his plan for their lives. (Sin cost man everything!)

1. Because of sin, every child is born to die.
2. Because of sin, someone you know is on drugs or alcohol.
3. Because of sin, we have prisons, hospitals, police, and burglar alarms.
4. Because of sin, we fight wars we don’t begin.
5. Because of sin, we hate people we have never seen.
6. Because of sin men would rather be women and women would rather be men.
7. Because of sin, we steal what we want and take what’s not ours.
8. Because of sin, there are tear-stained pillows and broken hearts in every corner of the world.
9. Because of sin, poverty and hunger run rampant in our world

Not only has sin destroyed mankind, but the effects of sin has devastated creation.
• Because of sin, Flowers bloom to die.
• Because of sin, animals kill one another.
• Because of sin, the earth quakes, the sea roars, and the winds howl.
• Because of sin the sea gets angry and tsunamis occur.
• Because of sin, the wind and rain team up and create hurricanes.

Sin is wicked and it has destroyed the original plan of life for you and me.
But even in all of this tragedy, God, through His divine love came up with a plan to save all those who desired to be saved from the penalty of sin and death.
This plan consisted of sending his only begotten Son” Jesus” down to earth and have him to become sin for us and sacrifice his very life in our place as a offering unto the Father.
This is why we celebrate Christmas, This is the true reason for the season; this is what Christmas is all about. It is about God Loving, God giving, God sending, God forgiving and God Saving.

College Hour
University Pastor

University Pastor