The Ministry of Giving

The Ministry of Giving

Then Jesus said to his disciple, “Behold your mother.” And from that hour that disciple took her into his home.
– John 19:27
Jesus in this moment of dying for your sins and mine gives his disciple, John an assignment to care for his mom. He gives his mom great news that she’s not going to be left alone for John now is her son. So when we come to this verse, we see what I call the ministry of giving. It’s the ministry that’s been initiated by God the Father.
First of all, what you see in this text is God the Father gives his only begotten son to die for the sins of the world. Secondly, we see the son giving himself sacrificially on the cross to take your place for your sins and mine. Thirdly, we see Jesus giving somebody to care for his mom, whom he knew would need to be cared for. Isn’t this powerful? What a powerful ministry, for it tells you and me that God has given us as gifts to one another, to care for one another, to live in community with each other. That my brothers and sisters is true friendship. I like this also because John now has an awesome responsibility. Not only to care for his teacher’s mom, but his lord and savior’s responsibility that he had on earth is now John’s. You know what, I wonder today. I wonder if you look at your friends and your ministry opportunities. I wonder if you look at your brothers and sisters, and your parents, as ministry opportunities from God. That’ll change your family dynamics.
Ponder these things, hold them to your heart and let’s go out really loving our families and being kind, gentle and meek toward one another. Let’s see what Christ wants to do in our lives. Let’s pray: Eternal God, our Father, thank you. Thank you for our families, thank you for the ministry that we have to them in our homes. Help us to love them and to appreciate them and to be kind and affectionate toward them. Lord, many of us have difficult homes in which we come from so we need to be reminded that our brothers and sisters, our mothers and fathers are made in the image of God and that we ought to care for them and love them. Help us to be like John and willingly accept this assignment to care for those whom you love. Now God, bless us today teach us how to do this and we’ll be mindful to give you the honor glory and praise. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

College Hour
University Pastor

University Pastor