The Joy of Finding Jesus John 4:28-30
The Joy of Finding Jesus John 4:28-30

The Joy of finding Jesus
John 4:28-30
28 The woman then left her waterpot, went her way into the city, and said to the men,
29 “Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?”
30 Then they went out of the city and came to Him.
Her life was being lived in disappointment after disappointment!
She had men problems; she had lovers to let her down. Her hopes had been dashed by five divorces, and her name and her business was all in the streets.
- Everybody who knew her knew she couldn’t keep a man!
- Everybody who knew her also knew she was a looser at Love!
- Everybody who knew her also knew that she was lonely and would go out with anyone.
This woman had some problems that only her and God knew about.
- This text implies that she was thirsty for relationships, because she couldn’t keep one together.
- This text implies that she was thirsty for religion, because she was a seeker who some questions but was also misinformed by what should knew.
- This text implies that she was not satisfied in life and was looking for God to return and answer her Questions.
- Perhaps there is somebody here today, just like this sister.
- Perhaps there is somebody here waiting for God to fix your situation.
- Perhaps you have thrown in the towel on having the Joy of the Lord inside of your Heart.
I. The Woman’s Discovery
28 The woman then left her waterpot, went her way into the city, and said to the men,
- After discovering that Jesus was the Messiah she had been waiting for her heart and her mind were instantly filled.
- The water she had walked so far to get was no longer what she needed.
- The water that she thought she couldn’t live without was no longer what was important
- The water that she came for everyday was suddenly of no importance!
She left her water pot! She left what she was depending upon. At first she needed this pot, it was what brought her joy in life.
- She needed this pot, because it helped to satisfy some temporary needs.
- She needed this pot, because it brought some temporary relief from the heat of the day.
- She needed this pot, because it refreshed her for brief moments at a time.
- When she found Jesus she let go of the Pot!
- When she found Jesus she found more than enough!
- When she found Jesus her satisfaction with the Pot was no more.
- When she found Jesus she could let go of the care of the World, because Jesus was all that she needed.
Is there anybody here that can say when you found Jesus that you let go of the Pot’s of this world?
Is there anybody here that can say when you found Jesus, you no longer tried to satisfy your thirst with the Lust of the flesh or the pride of Life?
Is there anybody here that can say when you found Jesus he was more than enough?
- You let go of your love for stuff
- You let go of your love for relationships
- You let go of your need for fulfillment
- You let go of your need for some pseudo romance
- You let go of your needy-ness, and found Joy in HIM!
28 The woman then left her waterpot, went her way into the city, and said to the men,
When she found Jesus, her sense of direction changed! She came to the well one way but left in another.
- She used to come the well at noon when nobody else was there
- She used to come to the well in seclusion, because she didn’t do well with the crowds
- She used to come when nobody else was around, because she had a record of being an adulteress
But when she found the Messiah she Ran to the people she had been trying to avoid!
She went her way into the city to the Men of the city to broadcast what she just found out!
When you find Jesus and he satisfies your thirst, You too will run to the ones that have made fun of you
When you find Jesus you too will be quick to tell your enemies about the one who changed your life
When you too find Jesus you too will be quick to proclaim the good news about this new found Joy
- There is Joy when you find Jesus
- There is great Joy when you find Jesus
- There is for real Joy when you find Jesus
- There sure enough Joy when you find Jesus
Jesus will put running in your feet, he will put talking on your tongue, he will put concern for others in your heart, He will make you want to tell somebody about what you have found!
He will make you forget about your fears, he will make you forgive your enemies. He will make you go where you once would not go.
He will make you ignore the cravings of the flesh, and flee from the old ways.
- The Joy of the Lord will be your strength!
II. The Woman’s Discussion
29 “Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?”
- First of all we observe in this verse what her conversation with the men was all about.
- She had God on her mind! She had spiritual things on the brain. She was talking about what God had revealed to her!
- This sister had come a long way, She had problems with men, she had difficulty in relationships, she also had bad experiences in the past.
- She was divorced 5 times, which meant she had been in the court system of the day.
- Each time she was held at fault, each time she was the object of ridicule, each time the blame was on her, and now she goes to the gate of the city were the court was held, and talked to those who had authority over her, and discussed things that they should have known about!
- If you discover who Jesus is, somebody who doesn’t know about him should find out
- If you discover who Jesus is, somebody you know needs to find out
- If you discover who Jesus is, somebody who hates you needs to find out
- If you discover who Jesus is somebody who is just like you needs to meet him too
- She knew what they needed, because their needs were like hers
- She knew they were just men who also had needs
- She knew they too could benefit from meeting Jesus
I like what she says:
“Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did!”
She said:
This man knew more about me than any of you did.
He told me stuff I had done, that only God knew about!
Come and meet a man who can tell you about yourself, could He be the Christ?
Historical Note:
The Samaritans were waiting for the Messiah they knew that when he comes he would reveal all things to them!
I believe that when they heard this, they had to come and see HIM for themselves!
III. The Men’s Decision
30 Then they went out of the city and came to Him.
- Isn’t ironic, that the ones that caused her so much grief, were the ones that she ran to first to tell about Jesus
- Isn’t it strange that God can fill your desires in such a way that the thing you thought you needed the most becomes the thing you give up first!
At first she couldn’t live without a man, no matter how much grief it caused her she had to have one!
- Never mind the fact that none of them brought her Joy!
- Never mind the fact that none of them did her good!
- Never mind the fact that she could never find love!
- Never mind the fact that she was a 6 time looser.
- When God met her at the well, HE was more than enough!
- When God met her at the well He satisfied that thirst
- When God met her at the well she left all that behind!
God wants to meet you at the well this morning! He wants to take away your pain. He wants to set you free from Guilt. He want’s to lift your burden from disappointment after disappointment!
He wants’ to take away your water pots!
Because when he does you will be willing to go to the one who hurt you and tell them what the Lord has done to do you, You will tell them what the Lord has told you.
You will tell them what you have discovered about Jesus!
The men were so moved at her report, they left from the Gate of the city, to go and see for themselves.
- When the men heard the report, they left from their jobs and came to see Jesus
- When the Men heard the report, they came with expectation
- When they heard the report they came to see for themselves
- When they heard the report they stopped what they were doing to find Jesus for themselves!
People know a genuine witness when they hear one!
When people see and know your past, but are there to see the transformation, they too will come to see Jesus for themselves
It is the ex-sinner that has found Jesus that is the best witness in the community!
- The ex-liar can reach the Liar
- The ex-thief can reach the thief
- The ex-racist can reach the racist
- The one who was stuck in sin that can help somebody sinking in sin!
That’s how we got the gospel! The disciples were all sinners who came into contact with Jesus. After they met the master they told somebody, and they told somebody, and they told somebody, and they told somebody, and eventually it came down to you and I. “We got to tell somebody”!
- It takes a sinner who has been saved to reach a sinner who needs to be saved!
The woman found Jesus and she found Joy! The woman found Jesus and she found the Living water of Life. The woman found Jesus and Life was worth the Living because the Master had came.
- When she found Jesus, She found hope for her future
- When she found Jesus, She found the answers to life’s problems
- When she found Jesus, she found the savior of mankind
- When she found Jesus, she found true Love
For in Jesus is Love!
It was because of Love that God sent His son. It was because of Love That the Son gave his life. It was because of Love that God Purchased us with his Blood.
It was Love that carried him to Calvary’s cross. It was Love that allowed them to drive nails in his hands. It was because of Love that He wore a crown of thorns on His head.
It was because of Love that he was lifted high upon earth and cursed by man.
It was for Love that he died, and was buried!
Because of the Love of God, he rose early Sunday morning with all power of Heaven and earth in His hands.
The Song writer said this Love that I have the world didn’t give it to me and the world can’t take it a way.