Jesus is the Eternal Word of God

Jesus is the Eternal Word of God


John 1:1-5
Every now and then in the scripture you run across those passages that are startling and revealing. You know, those passages where God intends to reveal himself to you whether you like it or not.
These are the passages that arrest you and take captive your thoughts, ideas and misconceptions about God. Well in today’s text, God does what he does by intentionally telling John to write this gospel in this way that any Gentile or Jewish reader cannot miss who He is talking about.
1. When John got ready to write this text he did not bother about trying to explain the genealogy of Christ like Matthew did.
2. When John got ready to write this text he did not bother trying to explain the ministry and Calling of Christ like Mark did.
3. When John Got ready to write this book he did not bother trying to explain the birth of Christ like Luke did.
This gospel is designed to bring forth the mystery, the mastery and the ministry of Jesus on earth. Every now and then we need to be refreshed in our Christology (the doctrine of Christ) and drawn back to look at the Person of Christ, who is the second member of the Trinity, God made Flesh who redeemed us from our Sins.
The passage begins with the mystery of the word described in the first two verses.
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God.
John decided to take us back to the beginning to express the deity of Christ so that all who were readers of this gospel would understand just how Majestic Jesus was and is.
What John does in this text is brilliant! He calls Jesus the “word”. In the Greek language it is pronounced logos. In its definition it means the divine expression of God!
In the beginning was the expression of God and this expression was God! All that God reasoned about inside of Himself was called The Logos, (His WORD) and the Logos of God was his divine word expressed.
The mystery in this text is that God’s eternal glory in himself was expressed through His logos, the word of God.

For example:
• In the beginning of creation, When God talked to himself in Genesis and said let there be light, it was Jesus who made this Happen as the expression of God.

• When God talked to himself in Genesis and said let there be an expanse between the waters to separate the water from water it was Jesus who made this happen as the expression of God!

• When God talked to himself in Genesis and said let the land produce vegetation, seed bearing trees and plants after own kind. It was Jesus who made this happen as the expression of God!

• When God talked to himself in Genesis and said let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years. It was Jesus who made this happen as the expression of God!

• When God talked to himself and said let the waters team up with the living creatures, let the birds fly in the sky and living creatures move along the ground and fish be formed in the sea. It was Jesus who made this happen as the expression of God!

• When God talked to himself in Genesis and said let us make man in our own image and in our likeness and let him rule over the earth and the sea. Jesus who made this happen as the expression of God!

The mystery in this text is that the expression of God (Jesus the WORD) has always been God, and was always with God, and was the divine way in which the Father chose to express himself to mankind!
The WORD was with God and the WORD was God!
In this verse alone we see Christ both With God and as God.
• In this verse he is the expressed image and thought of God.
• In this verse alone it is Christ who john is elevating in the eyes of his readers.
• Make no bones about it, this book is all about Jesus and HIS deity.

Here’s the application. This is important because we live in a world of antichrists trying to take Christ out of our vocabulary, a world where the deity of Christ is rejected and denied. It is important because we live in a world that wants a God, but it can’t be Jesus.
• You can’t have the true God of heaven and earth without Jesus
• You can’t have the true savior of your soul without having Jesus
• You can’t have salvation by Grace, through faith without Jesus

The world hates Jesus because he is exclusive: it’s his way or no way. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the Life, and no one can come unto the father but by me!
• You can’t have Jesus and some other higher power. It is Jesus Alone.
• You can’t have Jesus with eastern meditation, yoga, 02or  chanting. It is Jesus alone.
• You can’t have Jesus and some other form of do it yourself salvation. It is Jesus alone.
• You can’t have Jesus and some other little gods on the side. It is Jesus alone.

He is more than a prophet, he is more than a teacher, he is more than a voice, he is more than a moral personality, He is more than a religious Leader, and he is more than revolutionary. HE IS THE LOGOS of GOD. The Very expressed thought of GOD. JESUS is GOD!
John sets the record straight that it was the WORD in the beginning who was together with God and who is God. And there are no divisions in HIM. He is co-equal with the FATHER.
In verse three John begins to explain the mastery of God. According to this verse, all created things were created by Jesus who is the logos of God. We see this creative power of Christ in the book of Genesis. In Genesis Jesus speaks the thoughts of the Father and things come into existence.
In genesis we see the mastery and the mystery of Christ:
• In Him alone was the ability to make the humming bird fly.
• In Him alone was the ability to make the octopus swim.
• In Him alone was the ability to make the elephant run.
• In Him alone was the ability to make the human brain and heart.
• In Him alone was the ability to make the sky blue and sun orange.
• In Him alone was the ability to make the continents on earth.
• In Him alone was the ability to make the Lilly in the valley and the bright and morning star.
• In Him alone was the ability to make the Iris in the eye and respiratory system.
• In Him alone was the ability to make the human birth canal and reproductive system.
• In Him alone was the ability to make the four seasons of the calendar.
• In Him alone was the ability to make the oceans roll in and the oceans roll out.

All of heavens angels and hells demons were made by Him! They too were a part of His glorious creation. Everything we see was made by God! Everything majestic was made by God! Therefore we ought to give HIM praise, we ought to lift our voice and sing His wonderful praise.
He is an all powerful and wonderful savior, who is creative in his design!
• When you think you have nothing to thank him for, think again.
• When you think you have nothing to shout about think again!
• When you think you have nothing to bless His name for think again!
• When you think he has never did anything for you think again!
When you get down and out, frustrated and sad, think of the works of His hands, and you will rejoice in knowing that your God really is God!
• Jesus Mastery consisted of forming you in His Image.
• Jesus mastery consisted of delivering you from yourself!
• Jesus mastery consisted of cleaning you up and turning you around!

In Jesus is the ability to change your world in a split second, to heal your mind quick, fast and in a hurry, to correct your mistakes in the bat of an eye, to forgive your sins right this instant. In Jesus is the ability to hook you up just like that, to give you a husband or wife when He gets ready, to lead and guide you at your every request.

He is the Master of the Universe and his majesty is a wonder to behold!

John continues in his description of Christ in this next verse, by revealing to us the ministry of Christ as the Logos of God!
4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
John describes him as Life. In him was life! ‘Zoo-ee’, the Greek word written is to describe the very source of existence (eternal).

What is this life?
• It is that which has come into being (John 1:3) and gives life to men! It is only found in the Logos of God!
• It is the eternal power of God that creates and sustains life in the universe. It is only found in the Logos of God!
(We see the same idea in Heb 1:3 where Jesus is said to be upholding all things by the word of his power.)
Usually in John’s gospel, the word Life (zoo-ee) means spiritual life, but here the term is unlimited and includes all life, both spiritual and physical.
• John wants us to know that in the ministry of the Word there is Life that all men need to have in order to live eternally and the live physically.
• John wants us to know that in Jesus alone is that word of God found.
In verse four, John opens up for us another dimension of Christ’s ministry on earth!
In His ministering to men He wants not only to be the source of their strength and existence but he is also their light.
• These two words Life and Light are twins in this text for they both speak of the same thing!
• They offering to the reader to see the ministry in Christ in two ways.
• In Him is the ability to make you live and to make you see. Christ has the power to fill you and sustain you.
John wants to show us that the ministry of Jesus was to reveal life and light to men that they may see and live!
• The trouble with the world today is that people are trapped so deep into darkness they cannot see the light; people love darkness and run from the light.

In verse five, John explains that Jesus came to shine in the darkness!
5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
He uses a word that is pronounced as fainoo (it means to keep on giving light).
Jesus came into this dark situation on earth, over 2000 years ago as the Light of God, and is still present with same light! His light is shining all over the world.
In the dark areas of the world where there appears to be no light from God, JESUS is shining!
In the dope house, whore house, jail house, white house, and poor house, Jesus is shinning and reaching through the darkness to give life and light to men.

How is he shining?
• Through the works of the Saints!
• Through the Love of the redeemed.
• Through the preaching of the Gospel.
• Through the evangelization of the Lost.
• Through the missions of the body.

However, even though God is at work all do not accept, all do not take heed, all do not repent, all will not come, and all will not change their ways.
As the passage comes to a close, we have the startling and frightening truth!
• Jesus came into the world and lit up the darkness, but man, even in seeing the light, would not come to him.
• The light was what was needed, but the darkness did not comprehend him.
• The light was what was good, but the darkness did not understand him.
• The light was what was needed, but the darkness could not embrace him.
• The light was what was needed, but the darkness would not repent.
• The light was what was needed, but the darkness was having too good of a time.
• The light was what was needed but the darkness refused to turn to him.
The tragedy in John’s gospel is found in that last verse. The light came but the darkness would not behave. Oh, but Jesus knew they would act this way and that is just why he came. He came to pay the price for all of man’s sins.
• It was out on a dark rugged cross that the Light of Glory was crucified!
• It was in the black of the morning that he took nails in his hands,
• It was in the black of the morning that he took nails in his feet, and it was early that afternoon He died.

The Light of Heaven was put out and he died. With blood running down his body for you and me he died.
The body was taken down and put in a borrowed tomb where it would never shine again.
But early Sunday morning, before the dawn of a new day, the Light of God rose with all power of heaven and earth in his hands!


College Hour
University Pastor

University Pastor

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