Leadership and Soul Care Anyone?
Leadership and Soul Care Anyone?

Grace and joy to you, I borrowed these wise tips from a fellow Pastor skilled in discipleship, and thought that I would introduce them to our University family, as we grow together in Christ. (I pray that you enjoy them as much as I have)
How to Do Soul Care…..
There are many topics and issues which are being taught concerning leaders and leadership; however, Soul Care is not one of them. How do we care for others as we lead them in a Christian University? This is a battle and a real struggle – many university leaders struggle most with knowing how to care for the people in their departments and divisions. The following is just a small sample of how to do soul care, as we lead those who find themselves following.
1. Put people before tasks.
People should always come first; but in the age of professional ministry, people often come last. Think strategically about how to put people first in your ministry.
2. Accept others faults and failures.
Forgive people when they hurt you. Wounds in the University seem to live on forever. As the leader, you must forgive other people’s faults and failures so that it does not impact your ministry and the Kingdom. Ask God to reveal to your heart people whom have wounded you but whom you have never forgiven.
3. Schedule time to renew.
Leaders cannot give to others what they have not received. One of the most important things that you as a leader can do, is to get away and connect with God. I tell my church that if I don’t have a good relationship with God, then I am of no good to them or to the church.
4. Tell people about the real struggles that you face.
Be open with people about your life. People want to follow someone who is real and authentic. Share stories of success but more importantly share your life failures as well.
5.Open your heart and listen to people’s stories.
Everyone has a spiritual story. Some stories are an amazing transformation of moving from dark to light. Others stories are stories of long journeys with many a twist and turn. The key to soul care is to listen to people and their stories.
6. Remember significant events in people’s lives.
People will realize that you care if you are still thinking about an important event that occurred in their life a year or two after it occurs. This can be remembered by simply putting it on your calendar a year in advance. This event was significant to them, and it should be significant to you as their pastor or leader.
University Soul care is critical to the work of the ministry, I pray that as we make disciples, we too would be cared for in a loving community.
For Christ and His kingdom