Empowering Future Ministry Leaders: Chelsea Weber’s Journey at Fresno Pacific University

Empowering Future Ministry Leaders: Chelsea Weber’s Journey at Fresno Pacific University

Chelsea Weber (BA ’14) is the Bridge to Ministry Program Specialist at Fresno Pacific University. Prior to that, she spent almost 10 years as the children’s and youth pastor at La Vina Covenant Church in Kerman, CA. The Christian Ministry program at FPU gave Chelsea the well-rounded experience needed to go out and impact the next generation for the Gospel, then return to pour into students walking through the same experience she had.


Working directly with students is one of her favorite parts of her job. “We have amazing students in our program, all of whom have a deep love for Jesus and a strong desire to be equipped for faithful Kingdom service. It is beautiful that I now have the privilege to journey with young people who are discovering who they are, how they are uniquely designed and how they are being called by God into ministry. This was the same journey I went through years ago and I am acutely aware of how difficult that road can be,” Chelsea says.

Bridge to Ministry is a grant-funded accelerated pathway that helps participants receive their B.A. and M.A. in Christian Ministry in as little as five years. Within this program, students who have a love for God and serving others are encouraged and equipped for a career in ministry. Participants receive personalized mentoring, hands-on ministry experience, a supportive cohort learning environment and an annual $1,500 scholarship (with good standing in the program).

Chelsea is grateful to be one of many who offer encouragement, consistent care and unwavering support to pathway students.  This season of hearing and discerning God’s call in their life is such a tender one, she says, but it has great potential to yield a harvest of young people who understand their role as image-bearers, leaders and Shalom-bringers in whatever context the Lord leads.

“I am constantly inspired by them as they eagerly seek to love God and love people well,” Chelsea adds.


When asked how FPU prepared her for ministry, Chelsea thinks of several things: the needed knowledge, hands-on experience through the practicum and spiritual formation courses, compassionate professors and mentors who discipled her and experiences that developed sacred rhythms to sustain graduates for the long-haul.

This well-rounded learning experience allowed Chelsea to enter ministry, not knowing it all, but equipped and empowered to navigate faithfully and engage local communities with compassion. “The Christian ministry program has always desired to prepare its students holistically and I was no exception,” she says.


In this, FPU also prepared Chelsea and others for a life of ministry rooted in community.  As Henri Nouwen wrote in The Genesee Diary, “The way to ‘God alone’ is seldom traveled alone.” This kingdom value laid the foundation for witnessing the glory of God in the overlap of heaven on earth in ministry, whether that was in the office counseling a distressed parent, sitting in on a church board meeting or cheering on a high school student at their softball game. 

It continues to be a value that guides Chelsea’s work with and amongst current program students. “FPU has been foundational and transformative in every way,” she says.

Morgan Schlesselman

Morgan Schlesselman