Day 12 – Who Do You Know? – 2023
Day 12 – Who Do You Know? – 2023
“I want to know Christ.”
Philippians 3:10
Read Philippians 3:7-11
Have you ever considered what it takes to make a new friend, to know someone authentically? It takes time—dedicated space where you bump up against one another repeatedly, usually over a shared purpose, interest or calling. It takes effort—an energetic investment in learning likes, dislikes and values. It takes risk— a conscious choice to reciprocally share yourself and trust that you will not be rejected. An imbalance in any of these areas minimizes knowing and being known. It’s hard! As adults we are busy creatures. We have work and school to manage, kids (and often grandkids) to raise, aging parents to aid and everyday life with which to contend. Knowing takes time and energy we just do not have. We tend to create superficial connections that get us through but do not feed our souls in a “you’ve-seen-the-ugly-in-me-and-you-still-cherish-me” kind of way.
Paul understands the surpassing value of knowing Christ. He highlights the significance of knowing Christ as an intentional pursuit. This clarity allows him to look at his busyness, including his impressive pedigree and previous accomplishments, and see them as loss in comparison. Paul’s declarative statement in verse 10 emphasizes what is important. Knowing Christ is an active, experiential process. It takes time, effort and risk. It is an intentional immersion in the totality of Jesus that produces authentic connection. This connection brings us into right relationship with God through faith. Join me in rediscovering the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus our Lord.
Lord Jesus, open our hearts to the exquisite joy of knowing, and being known by, you.
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